Because I’ve already included bullet velocity in my post about guns in general, and because it’s probably going to be included, I’ll exclude that from this list for now. That and I dislike long writing sessions so let’s save me the trouble of something you already know how to implement.
Fragmentation. Grenades will now have small fragments of metal that’ll split off and proc bleeding on hit. Along with 4. this should buff grenades quite a lot compared to 3.0
Blast waves (Or shock waves) are caused by explosions of all types and can deal minor damage and will create a minor rippling effect in the air.
Guns will be considerably louder (with sound and speed droping off over distance). Same thing with Fragmentation and blast waves.
Blast waves can cause internal bleeding by rupturing internal organs. It’ll deal less damage over time than regular bleeding but can only be stopped by certain medicines or high-end medical kits.
Fragmentation: that’s how it should’ve been in the first place. But get ready for a phat FPS drop when the explosion happens.
Blast Waves: Already love the idea before reading its description
Louder Guns: Aren’t guns already loud in 3.x? Because you can hear gun shots from miles away and you can easily interpret what gun they’re using before you even see them, so idk about this one
Internal Bleeding: But why tho? I mean yeah it’s realistic for there to be internal bleeding, but it’s an ass to deal with on your own. Maybe have a percentage chance for it to happen? Like 10% (least) chance but increases up to 50% depending on how close the explosion is
headaches from the blast waves and possibility of blowing your eardrums if youre close enought to the explosion or its big enought(like a demonition charge at 5ft)
this is like actually… you’d have to be standing on a demolition charge for this to happen basically or laying on the grenade
also your title… @GreatHeroJ be trying to sound smart with his big words lmao, any way i can know what the title was before you changed it?
also 10000000000% off topic can we actually lower unturneds game sound as a whole? i see WAYY to many people playing at less than 10 volume on 10 or less windows volume but then you have to turn voice gain all the way up and you cant hear them then either! like lower the overall sound and at least double the voice gain please
headaches from the blast waves and possibility of blowing your eardrums if youre close enought to the explosion or its big enought(like a demonition charge at 5ft)
First off, having eardrums rupture would be a bit much for 4.0. If you’re too close there should be tinnitus though. Also if you were 5 ft from from a demo charge, you’d die from the shockwave alone.
this is like actually… you’d have to be standing on a demolition charge for this to happen basically or laying on the grenade
You really don’t. Shock waves for hand grenades can be lethal up to about 15m, and heavy duty explosives like charges can be far greater.
also your title… @GreatHeroJ be trying to sound smart with his big words lmao, any way i can know what the title was before you changed it?
That was for comedic purposes, but I also applied some nomenclature from my AP Chem, Bio, and Physics knowledge. It’s actually perfectly understandable to someone at the same level, but it would appear you may not be in high school yet. You can view the title change in the edit log - though the original title was unfitting and had nothing to do with the topic.
also 10000000000% off topic can we actually lower unturneds game sound as a whole? i see WAYY to many people playing at less than 10 volume on 10 or less windows volume but then you have to turn voice gain all the way up and you cant hear them then either! like lower the overall sound and at least double the voice gain please
Why not play with heightened volume and lower everything else? There’s many settings that alleviate this, including asking the person speaking if they could increase outgoing mic volume or readjust their mic. I can personally hear people fine.
I can understand it fine though I’m in middle school xd YES NOW EVERYONE KNOWS MY AGE. Unless if 9th grade is in high school elsewhere.
Anyways, I do like the ideas of this post, I hope Nelson adds some of it but TBH, we probably shouldn’t make grenades more lethal. That might encourage pvp more.
Grenades in Unturned specifically are incredibly underpowered, so much so that if you threw one directly at a zombie in easy mode, the zombie wouldn’t even die.
Grenades would be excellent against large numbers of zombies, and besides, they need a buff both for gameplay and realism purposes. If they supposedly do encourage PvP, which I really highly doubt, you can only use a grenade once, which is easily neutralized by the effect of cover or distance.
can you get a source for this cause that seems really unlikely
yes tinnitus is a great idea! also maybe make it so you can damage your ear drums if you get too close but still not close enought to be lethal where you get like the constant forever ringing in your ears where at random times you get the ringing and its pretty bad or negligible depending on how close in between tinnitus and lethal you are
what do you mean heightened volume and lower everything else? cause the problem is at 20 windows and 3 unturned i can hear everything in game fine but i STILL cant hear the vc at 400% gain but then if i go to 1 percent unturned and like 30 windows discord ear rapes me ever more since the inbound gainz on discord is broken af i have to go to every person and set them down to like 50% volume to not rupture my own eardrums
uh no it really wouldnt it would encourage people to actually use frags for once tho since you could actually kill someone with JUST a grenade!!! instead of just instantly trying to craft charges in them like in 3.0
Giving grenades more effects and damage like this would certainly be beneficial, but Aj is right. This would cause more pvp since that’s exactly what using a grenade entails: pvp. However, it wouldn’t cause any massive increase in pvp, so I’d consider it worth it.