I know others have stated a little bit about this topic, but I want to try and add more F L A V O R to this idea
Cosmetics for clothes will work like cosmetics for guns, they won’t automatically be on your character, but you would have to find them outside of the main screen.
A player loads up unturned II, they apply a skin for their millater helmet which adds some stickers to it. The player logs into a server, WITHOUT their cosmetics they applied. They find a military base, inside the millatery base they find a helmet, they equip it and shpadoose the helmet has some stickers on it.
Cosmetics would have minor impact on clothing looks. Let’s say you have a green shirt you could turtle decal for that green shirt, or jeans, you could add a cosmetic that makes them looked ripped. You could add a feather to your fedora. Minor things like that I think would be fine for the game. Also they would have no market value, the clothes only the boxes.
Side rant, the durability of clothes should affect how much it can hold and it’s looks and zero it breaks into cloth.
I actually really like this idea. Where you can find simple ‘decals’ instead of skins like playing cards for military helmets or logos and designs for shirts and jackets. Maybe they could be unlocked via achievements or special events (Twitch decal for shirts for streamers). Only one decal per clothing item. Definitely no custom designs because that’s going to end well, but decals could be like stripes or a 3.0 animal shirt’s animal that can be applied to the item.
Anyhow. Speaking of cosmetics. Do you guys think that “Cosmetics” should be able to hold items and acts like an actual clothing.
(As in. Badge can hold 6 items. Etc.)
Rust was supposed to have non-immersion breaking cosmetics made by the community and look at it’s skin store now. The only good thing about it is that you can complety disable displaying all skins.