Punching is not an integral mechanic that defines Unturned overall, nor its gameplay. I’m not advocating for it over shoving. My point has nothing to do with shoving at all.
I’m saying that punching doesn’t have to be overpowered and it doesn’t have to be useless, as long as it isn’t designed it that way. For example:
is not what I want, as specifically stated in my previous post. It could instead just be viable in 1-on-1 early-game encounters.
Now, if you do want me to talk about shoving, I can. Shoving alone doesn’t remedy your concerns, since it doesn’t do anything in the end-game, nor against hordes. It seems like it’s really only useful early on, which I’m personally fine with—and that is what I kinda suggested for punching, but you implied that’d make punching a useless
That doesn’t matter though, since I believe you’re fine with both shoving and punching being nonexistent anyways, that’s your personal opinion. In my opinion, letting people try and do risky stuff like that early-game is more important to me than it is to you, who may favor requiring that players have to rely on scavenging around for a while before being able to go on their own offensive.
And why can’t shoving and punching both be a thing? It’d make both of them far more viable than they would be otherwise, which can be personally perceived either way. There’s nothing that actually stops them both from being in the game, although it does make balancing one or the other a bit harder, I guess.
But “shoving” as you’re portraying it just isn’t sounding like a useful feature. I don’t have any reason to believe punching would be overpowered in Unturned II either. If we were to use Unturned 3’s zombies as an example, since Turned aren’t in Unturned II yet for me to base this on, you’d probably die trying to punch away in Unturned II against a horde.
And by that, I mean you can’t sprint backwards, and a horde would surround you from superior AI. And since these are Unturned 3 zombies I’m using as an example right now, they’re faster than you and your punches are too weak to stun.
I’d say you might be able to get away with circle strafing, but probably not since omni-directional sprinting is the thing that made kiting+punching so viable. You can’t sprint any which way you want anymore. Punching hasn’t been the problem, it’s always been sprint—and that’s true for several other issues in Unturned 3, to be honest—and now it has been nerfed.
So with what some people saw as the problem being “probably resolved” now, it may as well be made actually fun considering the rest of melee is planned to be made for fun and viable. Might as well start with hand-to-hand combat.
- Personally, I’m not big on the suggestion posts for things like giving players martial arts techniques, and the ability to (dive)kick things. At the very least though—punching, shoving, and blocking have been pretty decent (usually). That’s a lot more to write though and at this point punching could just end up in its own post (probably away from the “martial arts” posts though).
(quick ps: punches weren’t always a part of Unturned)
I agree. Unturned 3 kinda allows for this, but its makeshift tier has always been severely underdeveloped. Fortunately, there’s a few older posts where Nelson implies/mentions that he’d like to expand on this type of stuff (for Unturned II).
Go back to the days of Canada with its street loot, but just put sticks and stones around the ground in woods instead. 
This too. I wish that instead of just berry bushes being statically placed around the map, most crops could grow in the wild.
Quality has always been one of the more disliked features in Unturned 3, and the fact Nelson never really got to making the feature the way he envisioned it likely didn’t help too much.
Melee would be relatively straightforward to make a “broken” mechanic work on, but considering ranged weapons can have upwards of 10 parts, excluding the magazine, I’m not sure the experience would be enjoyable if just one broken part made the whole weapon useless (now, you didn’t imply it’d work like that, I’m just giving my input on it). Maybe brokenness only affects weapons based on the combined value.
Yeah. Quality and durability needs to be handled far better imo.
Fortunately, assuming that quality is added to Unturned II at some point, it will most likely impact far more stats than just things like “damage.” Considering how “ability stats” are done overall, it will at least affect far more things. Each ability stat would probably have a simple check as to whether or not its affected by an item’s quality.
Hopefully Nelson gets around to making the “repair” mechanic the way he originally wanted it to be though.