D20 Soon™

looks like a disk launcher or target launcher you think skeet shooting (not sure is I spelled that right).


strong text


Hey, there is always a chans man, even if its really small :wink:

(But i dont think spamming that you wont get a key is helping your chans of getting one)

I’m sorry :pensive:

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My internet sucks
I did delete them

No worrys man, and if you don’t get access to The combat demo then lets hope you get to test the demo that comes after this one or maby it might even be an early beta thats next

Can you be my friend
My friends don’t even talk to me like that :laughing:
And thank you!

Get better friends. And online friends are not real friends unless you meet them IRL.

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Well what are they then, permanently acquaintances until you meet them irl for the first time, which nobody actually does?


So one of my Online “Friends” who I have known for 4 years and played 900 hours of unturned with apparently cant be my friend sinc I havent meet him in IRL, and thats just one of many online friends that I have right now

Is that really what your saying? So noone on this forum can be your friend unless you meet them in IRL?


It was just a joke man


Snow Part 1 was finished just before the Vehicle Demo, and can be seen in the Vehicle Demo.

Character & Weapon Rigging was “recently completed” last August/September, but has technically been redone too.

Input Prompts Revamp was briefly shown in Devlog #012. The only thing that would have likely happened since then is that he’s chosen a final style for the icons. When he first did them, he wasn’t sure about whether to do a gradient texture or solid texture for the buttons.

RCON Base was mentioned in D12. I believe Sven was trying to set up his servers with the stuff related to it, but never got around to it.

Continuous Integration for U4 was finished at the same time as for U3, I believe. That was finished in June 2018.

Modding Tools was a pretty old card. https://github.com/SmartlyDressedGames/Unturned-4.x-Community/issues/251

It’s really just a clean-up; nothing too special.


I thought you meant graphics cards,and that this had to do with optimization :laughing::laughing::laughing:
I’m such a freaking moron.

Anyways,thanks for answering.


This is freaky epic

My question is… if there’ll only be keys for particular, trusted people, or rather a closed version in which random people that recieved keys can give keys out to other people… :thinking:

I guess I can’t hope for anything, even if I would love to participate, test and help… :sob:
I wish there was anything I could do to get a key… :cry:


Me too :sob:

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I am with you, man…
Let’s cry together :sob: :sob:

I’m with you brother

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the keys were already given out. From what Nelson has said, I’m pretty sure he will be updating the version which has been given out. I dont know if he will give out more keys.

I think it’s unlikely that he wont give out more keys, but what do I know :face_with_monocle:

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