D20 Soon™

You just ruined my day thank you

same her x…

I think it was called wave one for a reason. c:

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cus ther will be wave 2

Oh, who did not want one? :sob:

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I definitely don’t think he’ll hand out keys to people who are doing the cry emote over and over. If you’re a good community member then you shouldn’t even need to ask for a key in the first place; Nelson or a moderator will know you’re worth giving a key to and that your feedback will be solid.


This is fucking pathetic.


Everyday, we strive further and further away from Nelson.

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From Devlog 17:

The rest of the features were items and inventory, and gunplay. With a shooting range we’d get all of those, right? Spawn in, pick up guns, pick up mags, shoot. Therefor it stands to reason he might give out a few more keys. Not guaranteed, mind you, but possible.

You could say clothing is another of the features but come on man let us dream.

i didnt ask for a key

Uh, yes you did


Just acknowledging another new card, but not to be expected for D20. https://trello.com/c/0TymyK0B/58-nearby-inventory-sorting

Nearby Inventory Sorting
in list Gameplay


Held off on this for now, but in the future it would be nice for items drag-dropped into nearby storage to use the preview orientation rather than the sorted one. As-is, the nearby inventory tries to pack found items but we could save where we drag-drop it.

I was assuming it was prettifying the “nearby loot” menu we have in U3 so that it’s more accurate as to their actual placement, but that doesn’t seem right.

It’s possible that “nearby inventory” means you can search nearby containers without actually going directly up to them to interact with them, but I’m not sure.

It sounds like when “drag-dropping” loot, the player isn’t actually interacting with the other storage’s inventory grid. So, my last idea for it is probably the most accurate:

  • Most storages will showcase the loot inside of it. Players can drag-drop items from their inventory onto nearby storages, and it’ll insert the items into it without you actually having entered its inventory grid.

  • This Trello card is saying that, in the future, it will detect where you drag-drop the items, and based on that it will place the dropped item into the most accurate location based on where it’d visually be displayed on the storage. Currently, it just tries to fit in there as nice as possible. In the future, it will be sorted based on the preview of the loot shown on/outside the actual storage interactable.


@zed whats withe algerian flag… a nta algerian ya kho ? hhhhhh iam too !!

I’m gonna flag this as off topic. /s


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