Desktop Backgrounds?

Just looking for ideas for desktop background with an unturned feeling.

here’s an idea that i made. if you have any better ideas let me know!

i did steal the logo for UNTURNED 2 from another post. i just put all these together

Here’s a shameless plug to some wallpapers I made a while back

However, concerning yours, the text is too pixelated and doesn’t really fit too well, try to resize it at least.

The Smartly Dressed Games logo should just be the 3.x figure; that would make it simpler and less imposing.

Just my 2 cents.

it was just an idea for a background. i already know that there is alot i can do to improve it. i just wanted to see ideas that people had for when the full game launches and one is released

why am i always the target for a like farm
please, stop

lmao so sorry, didnt even realize i was liking your posts so much. i guess i just agree with alot of what you say

I make my own desktop backgrounds, for my own personal aesthetic desires and group.

I (personally) enjoy them. I hope Nelson can make official desktop backgrounds that we all can enjoy

Speaking of official desktop backgrounds. I mean, he already does have loading screenbackgrounds (which are pretty cool). I’m sure he’ll add the same for 4.0.

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those are pretty good. he will probably add official backgrounds and so on for the game. im excited for whats to come


make the 2 to yellow

thats actually really nice, lots of room to add things

something like this? and ik the quality is still bad @SteveTheRealOne

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charge fuckers

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