Destroyed citys

If the overgrowth was like in the last of us, i think it would affect the game perfomance

Theres a pretty good reason why the “Overgrown” map was popular. Maybe Nelly can learn a thing or two

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Ohh yes like the ones used in tom clancy’s the division

edit: I still have no idea what you are talking about, those arent in that image.

he was refering to this

That MIGHT sound good, but the problem is that Unturned, similar to Project Zomboid, takes place in the first few days of the apocalypse, meaning that there’s no reasonable explanation for damage. Not to mention, zombies are not just gonna randomly damage things without a lead.

The examples people have shown are games where it’s set several YEARS after the whole thing, but Unturned is the first day of the apocalypse, not years after.
Not to mention, buildings are pretty solid things, a skyscraper or a small building won’t fall down easily, even with a missing support beam or two,you have to realize that a building collapsing on itself is a pretty bad thing, and architects make sure exactly this doesn’t happen. Buildings are made out of concrete and metal beams to support the thing, it’s not something a plant can easily overgrow thru.

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Actually. We can tell form the notes and all the set up stuff, (like check points set up and surivivor camps.) it seems the time since outbreak alters.
Also, yes sky scrapers won’t fall down, but smaller buildings should have damage and there should be a lot of glass broken and ceilings falling down.

What? No, that literally makes no sense.
Do you realize how much maintenance goes into every meter of road, and every inch of every single house?
You’ll have to realize that buildings do not die out easily. No one would live in houses if they were to easily collapse like you said. Do you realize how time-consuming it is to build a house? If you do, you’d think that ‘‘Hmmm, since this takes a really long time to complete and since it does, why not make it sturdy as fuck to make sure it survives hell?’’ well you didn’t, but a lot of people did, and so they did.

It’s a building, it’s in the name. It’s designed to be strong and withstands things like heavy winds and small amounts of damage, that’s why old houses with cracks on their walls still stand strong. They’re not gonna just easily die out.

Not to mention, WHY would they get damaged? Zombies are looking for some spicy humans, not breaking down a house.
Overgrown cities would be even more unrealistic, do you know how long it takes for plants to grow?

REALISM and balance we need

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First off your getting a bit spicy for this peaceful convo.
Second realism and fun aren’t always connected.
And third, mate I said some damage, not falling down buildings but damaged roofs and walls in SOME buildings.
It’s not realistic as such but seeing pitch perfect city’s isn’t as interesting as an overgrown ish town. Sure there won’t be forests in the streets but prehaps grass growing in the cracks and animals running around abandoned cars is more fun.

Do I really need to quote myself?

There’s no reason for every map to take place at a certain time. I think a few maps taking place say a year or two later would be fine. I’m sure the loot tables could even be changed to reflect this (like pretty much only preserved food still spawning for example).

Most maps are set decently far into the apocalypse, like Germany for example, is set 6-8 months into it. Russia is set long after the fall of Germany. Only a couple of maps like Washington are set during the first month.

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It doesn’t. Russia’s outbreak was in May (following Washington’s outbreak). The Coalition were still in Germany in September, and had yet to go to Russia.

If you’re playing on the Russia map, it’s been months since the apocalypse. Sames goes for playing on Germany.

Can’t speak for Washington/PEI/Yukon since there’s not enough information given regarding their downfall, but Washington and PEI had, at the very least, tried to hold out for a bit.

But that’s Unturned (version 3). Unturned II doesn’t have lore yet. It can take place whenever it wants.

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so what, a building won’t collapse in a year

We aren’t saying it will. We are saying most maps don’t take place directly after the outbreak. It would be perfectly reasonable for a map to take place three-six years into the apocalypse

a building wont collapse in 2 years, or even 30.

have you seen Chernobyl? Its been 30+ years since it was abandoned, and its still standing EASILY.

the only human intervention is to build that huge structure in the background to contain the radiation.



sandwich fox

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technically a building could collapse in a year, but its dependent on the vegetation growth. For one, The Growth could be rapid, that it gets in the building, moving bricks, and slowly destroying the building.

no, the vegetation couldn’t grow that fast. Id say around 10 years at least, in areas with high vegetation growth.

And judging from Nelson’s current view of the turned, the buildings would have extremely weakened infrastructure in II

why do you say that? Hell, the buildings have a ton thicker walls and such to account for the players thickness.