Electric systems, computers and base management

As a hardcore architect in Unturned I can say I’m one of those people, and I’m still saying no.

I can design a building perfectly fine without an immersion-breaking elevator that will probably be crazy hard to balance.

If we don’t oppose and share our individual opinions whats the point of this forums? It’s fine to oppose ideas just no ad hominem attacks.

true… maybe I need to stop replying late at night XD sorry man, I was really tired when I said that, Ill delete it

But if nelson will add better electrical systems, why he cant add elevators?

Can you build an elevator right now with things found around your town?

More likely to be able to build a pulley than a 2-meter thick metal cube house with functional generators, garages, pump jacks, ovens, and locks, to be entirely honest here. Saying that an elevator is unrealistic is a silly argument. Argue about the mechanics or something.

How it’d work. How it’d fit into building bases. How it’d be crafted. How’d it be balanced.

Not realism. We all know realism is a minor factor. Let’s not act like it is because we’re talking about 4.x here. The game isn’t going to suddenly decide that we can’t reload machine guns without spending a half hour inspecting it (technically just requiring people to hit the inspect item button before knowing how to use the item could be a viable addition, however it doesn’t really reward you for anything, and trying to argue that with enough time you could learn to fire a gun would lead me to say that with enough time you could learn most things in a desperate apocalyptic situation of a game), or that we can’t build bases because not many people are architects.

This thread has been the same arguments back and forth for so long now. Plz.


I know this wouldnt be using any electricity, but some sort of wooden rope and pulley elevator-like buildable would be interesting.

Lol i’ve just been watching this thread spamming my notification feed xD

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shit man, I concede you got me there

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