
Nah, that’s an awful idea, there’s no fun in finding a shiny new plate carrier but uh oh there was a no lifer sitting in a corner with max Sneakybeaky for the last 5 hours waiting for you to pick up that plate carrier just to slit your throat afterwards and say “EZEZEZ” in the chat and then log off.


adapt and pay attention to your surroundings. stay a headless chicken :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face:

@linkfanpc I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I think that’s fucking funny. Also, the amount of memes that can be made with an execution mechanic would be hilarious to see. Ergo, an anime girl being executed.


or OR, we keep it simple…


gets an actual lengthy, well written and detailed reply, responds with “im not reading all that”



14 posts were split to a new topic: Simple games die fast

I like some of the executions in MW, but I dont think they will work well in U4/Unturned 2, especially in pvp, as it makes you stop dead in your tracks and you cant exit the animation, so if you’re in a raid and you do one, you’ll probably be dead in your tracks. I also disagree with your thoughts of a instakill mechanic for stealth, as it gives the person being jumped no chance to retaliate and they’ll then just be instakilled by a naked guy and have their loot taken.

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dont let him get close to you. thats your chance to retaliate

Thats not really retaliation, thats just preventing the encounter from happening. But again, I’d rather not get 1-shotted by a newbie and lose all my loot instantly.

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if he manages to sneak up on you, you deserve to lose all yo stuff. dont let him sneak up on you and you wont lose yur stuff

Yeah sure, but then the guy getting jumped doesn’t get any sign of them being attacked and before they do know, they’re already dead. And as many other people have said before, you’ll already have an advantage, even with a 2-3 shot kill with a knife, so chances of the guy getting jumped are still pretty low, but they do still have that chance of fighting back and saving themselves (especially if they have good reflexes), making things a lot more fair.

paying attention to your surroundings is one of the most important things of a survival game.
idk why you guys think a knife to the back of the head should be survivable…
most knife murders IRL are only caused by one stab wound. survival games need realism.

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Theres a thing called balance. Its not balanced or fun to get your neck snapped by a random bambi in one hit. Both sides must have a fighting chance. Yeah the guy with less gear has a lower chance to win but he still has a chance to win.

Unturned 2 is not going to be a hyper realistic survival game where you slowly die because you scratched your leg on a rusty nail.
“Realism for the sake of realism is bad”


This wouldn’t be fun for the person that gets killed after 3 hours of looting by just 1 knife. In my opinion takedowns/executions should be for singleplayer if they ever gonna be added.


that’s cuz most stab victims panic and also have little to no training on how to handle the situation and are promptly stabbed in the lung or heart and die slowly over the course of an hour.

there is no opinion to be made, dying in one hit and losing hours of progress is stupid and not fun and if you try to argue otherwise you are obviously a troll.

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im an actual competent player. i pay attention to my surroundings. so that nobody can sneak up on me. how does paying attention to my surroundings make me a troll :yawning_face:

you cannot “pay attention to your surroundings” when the guy is hiding in a corner behind a box in the opposite room and crawls over which makes no noise.


prefire that box if you suspicious of someone being there. or throw a flash bang in that room

how the frick do you expect me to magically know there’s a guy sitting in there. do you throw flashbangs in every room you enter and prefire at every hideable object? my argument i make is there is physically no possible way to know there is a guy in there.


when i have a muffler or silencer on, i do prefire every suspicious spot when on a populated server