Do you guys have any features from other survival games like Rust and DayZ that you would like to see in 4.0? I would personally like these:
Being able to paint on signs
Locking your base with a code lock
Musical instruments that can actually be played
Actual notes that you can carry around and drop to other players
Being able to play Russian Roulette with revolvers, being able to commit suicide if you have a pistol
Better melee combat, blocking and being able to hit multiple people with one swing
Being able to help downed people up. You should be able to get knocked out, for example if you’ve been beaten with a melee weapon. Instead of just dying you will fall to the ground where you can then be revived if the damage was not too severe. People can also choose to execute you or leave you to bleed out. However if you for example were shot in the head you would not be able to be revived, because well, your brains should be all over the place.
Locational damage, both for zombies and players. If you get shot in your arm, you will be less accurate, someone punches you in the head should have a chance to blurr your vision, shot in the leg and you will not be able to run, atleast not as fast, etc etc.
Leaving a trail of blood. If you’ve been shot in for example the leg, you should leave a trail of blood behind unless you use a bandage to stop the bleeding. This way people could find you by following the trail of blood you leave behind you.
These are just a few of my suggestions, please tell me what you think