Follow up on my generated guns concept for unturned II

You might wanna grab one of these to get your idea going.

Holy molly, you turned this post into a dumpster in less a hour!


All crew abandon ship. This thread is going down!

I still don’t see how RNG would make this fun or balanced. In the end I don’t see it feasibly happening either.

That’s my 2 cents, back to work on Yarr’s dungeon other projects

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Well since ever if you add a bigger numer to the same title of something you made, then it will mean that the new thing will most likely be a sequel of it, so assuming such thing even in unturned is more then legit. I mean find me some examples where the second episode of (insert name) talked actually of a brand new story. Maybe you will even find such proof but it’s an unlikely thing to happend.

Also the turned thing came out kinda recently but since it’s one of the central cores of the game (what caused the situation you’re living into) then I think that or he came up with it recently, or idk why keep the secret especially when any progress was shown? Turned could “just” be a mutation of the regular zombies for what we know.

I don’t see how discussing a topic that seems interesting to more then a few people could be seen as a bad thing, especially if the civil level is good.

You scums can’t decide if a ship is going down

This idea is better used in some battle royale game, where RNG will screw you over more than in a survival game.

This is pretty much the same as infinite randomly generated maps. It’s uncreative


Personaly the closest thing i want to this is advanced makeshift gun makeing.

Anyone with me?


Keeping civil is hard for people who take themself to serious :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re on the right idea lad


In this case weapons would be placed with sense from the editor and not by pushing a button to self generate things, plus the entire mechanic would be overthought ofc and not just thrown in so I gotta disagree with you on this.

Uhmm but finding a gun will be decided by an RNG anyway so? I dont get your point

Ok this might get bad.

Please don’t feed each other :worried:

Haha i dont hope so was just a joke

Sure why not, nobody said “This must be the new and only way that unturned handles guns”, it’s a suggestion that could fit many sections of the game like the makeshift crafting that you mentioned.

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Who says such logic applies to other things?

Your example is irrelevant



Yeah i know right! Like everything it neets to get worked out and balanced

Again, there’s very little reason to assume everything will follow conventional norms. We have no idea about any of the lore other than the mention of the Turned and the possibility of cross dimension shenanigans. Just because something “usually” happens certainly does not mean it always is true.

Anyway, this ship sunk faster than me 10x fast-forwarding through The Titanic movie. Time for me to jump off and swim back to Yarr’s island of sanity dank cave.


You did, by giving for sure that weapon spawns in UII will be random generated while there is nothing official out there about this (unless you know something we don’t). Also, while infinite random generated maps would probably be uncreative, guns that can swap parts almost entirely will leave to the players lots of space for creativity.

You creep :face_with_monocle: