Before i star I wannt to say that these are just examples and ideas on how it could be and not a suggestion on how it should be. The idea of this topic is to pressent the idea of this feature and see what people think about it and Id like us to have a discussion about the idea down below, and the pictures are just there to better explane what i mean (1 picture can describe more than a 1000 words).
The idea is that gear can have positive and negative effects on you when using it, an example being if you have a really high level protecting helmet it might have some negative sides of it to balance it out, this could make it so that you choose gear after the specific points that you need (like vision, hearing, protection), so if you need maximum vision and sound avernes you might not tahe your heavily armored helmet that covers your entier head.
Helmets and face shields
- Reduces sound/hearing if your ears are coverd
- Reduces vision and/or FOV if it has a ballistic face shield
or covers your face
Ops core helmet (dosent affect hearing) with ballistic face shield (worse vision)
An example of what it could look like
(No damage)
Altyn helmet (less sound) with face shield (smaller fov and worse vision)
An example of what it could look like
Maska-1sch helmet (less sound) with face shield (smaller fov)
An example of what it could look like
Tactical military headsets
- Reduces and fillters out high decibel sounds
- Keeps and amplifies normal and lower desibel sounds
- Can be used as a communication device
Tactical headset
Electronic tactiacl headphones (needs to be attached to a helmet)
Night vision
- Better vision at night
- Can lower FOV
Depot DVS-7 night vision goggles (reduced fov)
What it could look like
GPNVG-18 night vision goggles (Good fov)
What it could look like
Gas masks
- Can lower FOV
- Can reduce sound
GP-5 Civilian gas mask (lower fow and sound)
What it could look like
Mag-3 gas mask (sligtly lower fov)
What it could look like
What do you think
When you vote Id like you to think about the idea as a bigger picture and what you think about the feature, so dont vote about if you like my examples and the pictures in the post, they are just there to give you an idea of what i mean and how it maby could look.
- I like the idea
- Hmm, maby/idk
- I dont like the idea
0 voters
And please vote and write down below what you think about the idea, I really wannt to hear your oppinion
P.s Id like you to priorities writing your thoughts about the topic, but if you wannt to give me feedback about the post on what I could have done better or what i did good (did i have to many pictures ) then Id wery much like to hear