Gun individuality

In tv shows and stuff every one has there “special” weapon which the somehow never lose. I think guns should each spawn with something different. (Not every gun would be different duh)
Different colours
Each gun part like the handle, barrel, grip or slider on handguns could have different colours when the spawn, some colours would be more common like brown and black, and rarer colours could be like grey or red and other colours. Textures and things could also change with the part. You could also change gun colours with paint/spray paint.
So your colt could be sprayed shiny gold and look cool compared to your average gun.
Different parts
In unturned 3 you cant really change your gun, some guns will always be better, like a Schofield compared to grizzly. I think that (and i know its confirmed but) every gun can spawn default with different parts, more than just sights and grips. But the internal components and stocks could be semi random, with some parts being more common than others. You could upgrade parts to improve the gun, you could make an ace revolver more powerful than a stock desert falcon.
Naming guns
You should be able to change the name/ title of your gun, from maplestrike to killermachine ect. This would be your final touch of customisation and indivuality.
Any suggestions.

Ah yes because nothing Immature or offensive will come of this.

changed it to “gun individuality” because i assume that’s what you meant

Shouldn’t it be more “Unique Aspects of Guns”?

There’s really zero need for this to exist unless it’s the real colour of the part.

Fair enough.

I’d like to instead see a meta in UII where virtually every gun has its own niche. Not just straight upgrades or downgrades, except where actually sensible (e.g. a Colt Python obviously has more stopping power than a PM Makarov due to general design and caliber differences). No “let’s make this better just for the sake of having another tier”.

As with the above, most attachments have drawbacks in addition to their intended purpose. A muzzle brake would reduce recoil at the expense of accuracy and throwing off the overall handling of the gun, as the center of mass is shifted towards the barrel. A fixed bayonet would allow for notable CQB capability, but would be more cumbersome to wield in tight spaces. A drum magazine would obviously store more ammunition, but also be a lot heavier and more unwieldy in addition to taking longer to reload. I could go on, but point is I don’t want to just see attachments that are “Barrel Lvl 1, Barrel Lvl 2” dumb in terms of balance.

(Note: As with anything else, some attachments will be predominantly good anyways. The above is just a general rule of thumb for which I would use as a cautious warning.)

I really see no need for this. (Also, you’re making it ridiculously easy for trolls to edit the names of every item they lay their hands on to various profanities.)

are these “various profanities” a bad thing? would they change gameplay? i mean i don’t think they’d be needed either, but still. also I think the gun colours would be interesting, like on a Kalashnikov a wooden grip/hand guard and grey plastic or metal one, or an orange AK74 mag compared to a grey/black one. I don’t think these should be “customisable” as in the colours of barrels, but the mag would stay the colour it is until you put another one in, and couldn’t be changed. But obviously the stocks should be able to be taken off (and some guns would spawn with wood stock, metal type one, or none at all).

Just curious, are you also against the cosmetic variations of clothing and reticle variations of sights that were already implemented into Unturned II?

INB4 5 billion versions of each and every AR part, and only 3 versions of the AUG and FAMAS stocks.

I’m not sure where GHJ is coming from with his opinion, but considering OP says:

I think it’d just look weird finding a gun with a mix of, say, red, green, and black parts. If they’re going to have different colors, they should probably all spawn that color.

I think gun fists should have only 2 colors to standard and a special ,like the revolvers



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I think that this a cool idea. A lot of talk about making weapons/crafting them has also been discussed so maybe you could use parts from different guns to make even more unique ones! Or like items that need blueprints I.E instead of finding a weapon as OP as the shadowstalker you need to find the parts for one/ craft the parts, find the blueprints, upgrade your skills and so on so forth. Thus making it less “gasmask on run in and out” to more crafting and survival to get better gear.

Na it would be like performance barrel a performance barrel b ect. Each could have its own name not lvl. And you could attach the best barrel to the stock gun without upgrading it.

As for gun naming, you would have to pay an npc do do so or have a special bench. It wouldn’t be free, the npc could also not agree to do some gun names that include profanity.

Some colours would be more common than others, most guns will just be plain. Some colours wouldn’t spawn together like red and green, and others will be super rare. Most guns will have plain colours with some colours blocked off if a rare colour is chosen or forced if one part is one colour.

Except during special Christmas events

i do like the idea that every gun should not be an identical copy of eachother

Gun identity is a very important concept that shouldn’t simply be done away with. While I get more customization is going to be a big focus for II, as it stands most of the modifications someone can do to a weapon doesn’t make it less identifiable.

Knowing what weapon an enemy is using by both appearance and sound is important for literally any engagement in this game. Knowledge of the enemy player’s weaponry in more FPS-focused games like Call of Duty or Battlefield isn’t required as much. You know what you’re getting into. In Unturned though, (as weird as it might be to say) there are a lot more factors involved. Majority of the combat in this game (and assumingly II) isn’t over in just a second, even high caliber sniper rifles aren’t an instant kill if you have a helmet.

I’d like to be able to know what gun is being used, and with such a randomness of colors, parts, etc, it’d be hard to have guns stick out on their own.

Basically, I’m against anything that seriously modifies a weapon (both in appearance and in role). Weapon appearance should have limited customization, like 3.0, but I really don’t wish to see crazy part changes that completely rework and change the look of a weapon entirely. I also don’t want parts that completely change the weapon. If a receiver gives a weapon automatic when it spawns without it (Let’s just take something like the Swiss for example), then it should have a downside or otherwise weaker stats to not make it an upgrade (or even sidegrade) against a proper, higher tier automatic assault rifle. It should increase the performance of a weapon, but not the point where it outshines higher tier weapons.

I’ll take the example of an upgraded Ace being stronger than a stock Desert Falcon. If you can just upgrade a common, easily refilled revolver to be better than a military handgun that takes hard to find rounds, then why even bother going for the military handgun?

I can’t speak much for CoD, but recognizing what class you’re going up against is extremely important in most Battlefield games, it’s just done primarily through recognizable silhouettes, not colorations that are unrecognizable in different lighting conditions.

Why? If you have a long barrel, scope, and bipod on your Eaglefire, it’s visually quite obvious what role it’s been modified to fill.

The Ace and Desert Falcon (If they appear in Unturned II at all) will almost certainly have to be balanced differently than they were in 3.X. The ammunition system will be very different in Unturned II, and your only other point on why they should be balanced differently is rarity of the weapons themselves.

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A class is a lot more general than actual weapon types. That’s basically looking at three weapons: Sniper rifles, assault rifles/battle rifles, and submachine guns (at least in the case of the more modern-themed battlefield games) And again, it’s a more arcadey game that doesn’t worry too much about each specific engagement. By the time you’ve gone “hey he’s got a sniper rifle” you’ve either already died or you’ve killed him; probably prior to even noticing the weapon type.

What makes it different from other mid range battle rifles then, especially those that take rarer calibers?

I’m aware of this, which is why I stated “a military handgun that takes hard to find rounds” when referring to the Desert Falcon. I think it’s pretty easy to infer that .50 AE (or even if its a model chambered for a smaller caliber like .357) isn’t going to be incredibly common, and that a gun like the Desert Falcon would obviously be chambered in it.

You mention how rarity is a balancing factor; and it is. If cheap, commonly found weapons can be upgraded into weapons that surpass some of the rarest guns in the game, then why even try to go to harder locations to find said rare guns in the first place?

You called what could very well be a .357 revolver easily refillable, and what very likely may be a .357 semiauto That’s not used by any military btw a “military handgun that takes hard to find rounds.” Do you not see how ridiculous that is?
If we are to assume that the Ace takes .44 Magnum and the Desert Falcon takes .50 AE, then neither is particularly common, and if we decide that one uses .357 Magnum and the other uses a more potent cartridge, then the two are no longer anymore comparable to eachother than they are to the Determinator.

No I pointed out that it was one of the only two reasons you gave for why one pistol should be inherently more powerful than the other.

It’s balanced because it’s rare

is literally a meme because of how bad of an argument is.

I do not think any weapon should be at it’s maximum potential the moment you pick it up. A pistol that you got because you snuck past some armored zombies and RNGeesus decided to bless you with a hand cannon, should not be better than a pistol that someone has gotten and improved by getting past zombies multiple times.

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Yes but no.
I personally wouldn’t want individual parts to come in random colours based on rarity in the manner you suggested. People who do choose to colour their weapon either do so for art or camouflage, it tends to be the latter (it would also look weird to assemble them).
And for the “individual parts” specifically: I’ve never heard of anybody who coloured their spare components.

Most don’t colour their weapons at all and instead keep it in its factory colour.
Unless you count gun finishes.

You can’t make a .44 Mag/.357 WMR (assumption) revolver more powerful than a .50 AE pistol
This is because the energy exerted by a bullet is greatly depending on the mass of the shot (grain) and the velocity of the bullet (propellant), also dependent on the shape of the shot, which accuracy is majorly dependent on the barrel type, barrel length, and shape (don’t shoot smoothbore, lol).
The .50 AE exerts more energy.
If Unturned’s damage is to be based off of energy then .50 AE will win every time.
If a more realistic approach is taken: maybe not.
I really don’t want to talk about ballistics right now.

Of course, the gun’s components has affect on the performance of the bullet too.
I’m too lazy/I don’t want to write more.

I think it’s relatively obvious why this wouldn’t be the best idea, people might get offended and we can’t be having that, can we?*
We can, choose not to care about people's feelings. But nooo, normal people get so offended over a name that it's so necessary to remove the feature.

*(i.e. I don’t think Nelson would let this pass because he knows well what people would name their devices.)

Whatever, this is just my opinion.
And my opinion will always be biased to realism whenever and wherever possible, although prone to misconception and inexact definition.

Where’s my fortnite dance, comrades?


also type faster ninja