Gun names: real or custom?

If real calibers are used, then just add something at the end of the name to identify what they belong to like 7.62 LMG or 7.62 Rifle something like that.

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Or both the LMG and the Rifle can use the same caliber

Too complex and too long

Let’s just have real calibers with “Military” or “Ranger” next to it
So we can know if it’s a Ranger 7.62 (AK), or a Military 7.62 (Saber)

But LMGs and Rifles of same category (Ranger or Military) and of same caliber can use the same ammo box to refill for simplicity purposes

…or…y’know…you could just put the FULL CALIBER DESIGNATION.

Ok, yeah. I can go for that.


Like, what did you mean by that

Full caliber designation, or any officially used designation, would be stuff like like 7.62×39mm (or 7.62×39mm Soviet in some cases), 7.62×54mmR, and 7.62×51mm NATO instead of just saying 7.62. Stuff like 5.56×45mm NATO, or even just 5.56mm NATO. Using the full designation is how it has been done in some older iterations and versions of Unturned, and it makes a bit more sense than just saying “7.62.”

I feel that the general point was that there’s ways to differentiate similar cartridge/calibers without having to overthink anything or “make some stuff up.”

As for some people’s suggestions to just do a system similar to Unturned 3’s current, I’d strongly disagree just because I don’t think the current system goes far enough yet. So many weapons under the same ammunition source makes some balance a bit more difficult, and I feel there’s some cool potential features that we currently can’t have since it’d be quite broken if you could refund ammo out of a magazine back to an ammo crate (in Unturned 3).

That, and it just makes looting for ammo in general incredibly easy. If ammo boxes were just made super duper rare instead, then it becomes a “balanced solely because of rarity” thing, and you still have an issue of now you can’t get ammo for anything in most circumstances.

If using the longest designation is too much, it could be shortened down to just 7.62 Soviet, 7.62×54mmR, and 7.62 NATO. It probably wouldn’t be an issue either way though, considering Antique’s magazines used names of about the same size too. (ie: 114x23mm x7, 556x45mm x30, 57x43mm x10, 762x39mm x30, 762x51mm x7, 762x54mmR x100 • 77x56mmR x5, 9x19mm x13, and 9x33mmR x6.)

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In that case, I’m all for it.
Better than saying Military and Ranger on every box

Yeah that sound ok by me :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway, your game, your way :smiley:

I think custom names and real life easy names (honeybadger is a preaty ez name to remind) is a more in unturned style and ez to remind.

how about a sebru super shorty?

the CT blender

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Don’t necropost, please.

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