Certain time ago, i had maked a post to discut and vote, the most hated guns i pick the most hated guns and make a rank, and a research to discover why are so rated.
This is the most hated guns in unturned 3.0. and logic in a game focused on survival this need less power. (talking about 4.0)
comparasing all this weapons i see a thing in common all this weapons had high damage and a absurd firerate (no exeptions all kills you in ~0.6seconds) in case realy is good open a discut about this.
Question to discut
Weapons highly letals there must really exist?how and Why?
The top 3 guns shouldnt exist. They’re cool, but not right for a survival setting. I like the idea of a mini gun, but it should only be mountedvonto vehicles.
Too be honest, whilst it is very good for raiding i don’t think the hell’s fury can really count as a hated gun. It is very rare and isn’t good for killing players at all. I would take a kitted zubek over a adaptive chambering hells fury. If you are going to talk about shotguns i think the bluntforce is more ‘hated’
I highly doubt the Hell’s Fury or either of the Shadowstalkers will make a return in 4.0. If they do, they’ll almost certainly be rebalanced.
Also, I’ve never heard of people complaining shotguns were OP before. If anything, shotguns are actually quite weak compared to what else is available.
Regardless, this post seems to takes 3.0’s gun balance and assumes that 4.0 will have exactly the same guns, to which I have to disagree.
The only reason people hate 4/5 of these guns is because they are never used in vanilla survival, and rarley show up unless they are given with commands, shop/kit/creative servers, but also admin abuse, so people probably hate them out of association.
Hells fury is really inefficient and doesn’t do alot of structure damage per bullets, and is also way to big to be carried around easily.
I have only ever killed someone once with a mk2 in a vanilla server. The ammo is too rare and it doesnt really bring any value to the table.
Shadowstalker is just a far more viable version of the mk2, people dont like it because its a “noob” gun because you dont need to think about bullet drop.
Honeybadger is hated, I think everyone knows why.
I really dont think anyone hates the quad, its definitely the 3rd best shotgun but its not OP.
All of these guns are overpowered, but dont bring enough value to the table with the exception of the honeybadger, and probably the quad.
Hopefully in 4.0 guns like these wont exist. I would much rather see definitive tiers of guns instead of in 3.0 where there are a handful of completley diffrent guns and a few of them are direct statistical upgrades with out reason (fusilaut/zubek/nightraider/grizzly) and some are trash in comparison (heartbreaker/timberwolf)
Don’t simply list the weapons that got most voted against, because polls like that are very likely to have bad reasoning behind the votes. For example one could say people voted against the Quadbarrel because they got stalked in a creative server by a fella using one. Who knows. But that doesn’t mean it has to be rebalanced.
there is no need to remove the AAC honey badger it just needs to be balanced, but at the end, probably none of these weapons are going to get added to 4x, I hope that there are gonna be new guns with more realistic features and also being balanced and not op and unrealistic.
I don’t think we really need an AAC Honey Badger or a Honey Badger by Q if you want a version with actual production numbers seeing as you could just throw a .300 BLK barrel on basically any AR.
Something like… This gun is so broken it manages to be completely useless yet completely overpowered… Personally I say it’s a great gun for medium range ambushes.
yea well the matamorez aka. VSS Vintorez is really a nice gun in games cuz its just so different from any other snipers and can be used differently.
But surely not like in 3x its stupid how a 9x39mm gun can just destroy cars and apcs the point of the sniper is to be super quiet and be fully automatic.