somebody know?
Nelson has to give it to you.
it’s hard to he give?
you have to have been a forum addict or a popular content creator to have gotten a key. Also, the key that was given out was only a demo of the car. there is literally nothing else to it. Next time we hear from him there will probably be more content, and nelson will be more willing to make it more publicly available.
You forgot to say please so no,
You need to be :
A comunity contributer.
a forum addict.
a famous content creator.
a person that own unturned gold upgrade.
That’s it or you can be nelson and have unlimited acces to unturned II
Not yet.
You need to have a name for yourself seen by the developer, either for your creations (YouTube, workshop, curated), your activity in community sites (Wiki, forums) or anyone in his friend list interested.
That’s for the first (few?) demo versions. The beta version will most likely be accessible to most people with gold DLC ownership
I think he sayed something about giving keys to people that have 1000h+ on the game, think it was in an interview on yt, not sure thou
If you can provide evidence, I’ll believe you. Otherwise that sounds fake af
Ok 1 sec, il try to find it
He said it would be difficult to do this as there’s no system in place for it, so it probably wouldn’t happen.
Found it about 4:15 time
but yes MoltonMontro is right with that it probobly wont be that way since there is no system for it, but i would be awesome
I know but those are going some day to receive a key
It doesn’t have anything to do with the question of the op, referring to the current demo.
I got the Regular Badge does that means that I am a forum addict?
(10 thingythings)
Not exactly
Since the Regular badge is easily achievable
I do recall a forum Regular not getting a key to the demo. It’s mostly about the presence and effect you have in the community. Since most of us have been around for over a year and have been contributing ever since, that gave us a position and presence in the community. That in addition to being a content maker.
That’s how I see it at least
be active on forum or steam
best way to get it
how i be active?