Human Character Revision Feedback

Considering clothes in 4.0 are going to be 3D models, yes, there’s a problem, as that just adds more pointless work for Nelson

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Meshed clothing auto-resizes. That’s how body-sliders in games work.

@n3rfcr4zy5 (tagging you so you see reply properly too)

Thank you for backing me up!

I disagree.
Unturned is out of Early Access, and feels complete in content (pls rework netcode tho) and the recent additions in updates are mostly expanding the depth of editor and gameplay.

I think that reworking old stuff to be “contemporary” is not pointless at all as 3D clothing opens up more possibilities for unique clothing with better detail.

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I think you completely misunderstood my point. I’m talking about 3D clothing in 4.0, which is definitely happening. 3D clothing isn’t coming to 3.0. And I was talking about how having different body types would have different sized clothing (depending on how it’s implemented, but there is one way that disproves my point), which would be extra work for Nelson when he should be focusing on more important things during 4.0’s development.

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I interpreted that @Knight582 's point was more like a “selection” of different body types rather than sliders to make them fully customizable. If that was the case, there would be more work meshing the clothes due to different body types.

I could, of course, had just read his post wrong.

Oh my mistake, sorry.

Then it will be directed to @Knight582 instead.
Yes there’s a problem.

I mean it as a selection not sliders. The dude said that clothes mesh’s automatically reshape to fit the body.

i like our unturned 3.x model if no atleast rev 4 looks good

Yea when I saw it I tought about that too square heads are bad :l Female body has no t

If you mean it as selection, than no, the clothes won’t reshape to fit the body, unless Nelson makes the different body types based on slider values. Again, extra work that is unnecessary.

Revision #4 is the best in my opinion. But talking about the feminine model, don’t women have larger waists than men irl? Unless Nelson doesn’t want to make his models too realistic.

The point of my post was, as they put it:

That is not overly difficult to do, and should look just fine unless there was a selection of Rev. 4 female and Rev. 1. Using Rev. 3, Rev. 4, and Rev, 4 female, which appear to just have slight differences (Rev. 3 is a more muscular version of Rev. 4, and Rev. 4 female has a slightly converse upper torso compared to Rev. 4 ambiguous), could easily all function together.

If there was anything else preventing that, it shouldn’t take much effort for Nelson to modify the bodies slightly, considering he’s already made the revisions. Making features work is important enough to have a little bit of extra time given towards them.

Of course, I am personally perfectly fine if only the Rev. 4 ambiguous model was used. But, if people were to prefer a male & female model, then there’s not too much going to hinder that idea since “meshed” clothing is already a thing on Trello to begin with (EDIT: As long as there isn’t cloth physics thrown in to clothing, at least).

EDIT: Of course, I could also be misinterpreting how much meaning Nelson put into “meshed clothing” (maybe “mesh” was not directly indicative of “morph”). Maybe the idea hadn’t even come up before he did a male & female revision of the model.

Hello nelson I like te mutant but there’s whone thing kant jou make that you kan choze the size of youre ceractor

This one is just the best

please anything but making it look like roblox xD

This is the future Roblox is wanting. I second not wanting this.


I think you should maybe consider rounding out the head a bit. Almost all items around roundish, except for the head. It is not a big a huge change, but maybe try it out, see what it looks like.

I feel like the head is the most iconic part of the “blocky body” design. Like, you could make every other part of the body a bit more detailed, but as long as the head stays a block, tills still look “blocky”

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That’s the last thing we need