Lucifer Effect is a big issue: ideas to reduce it in Unturned

Looks like @Number_one found another person to argue with.

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I can’t speak for everyone, but what I’ve been wondering is why there are still people who think Unturned II is supposed to fill the same niche as the original Unturned.

The majority of the community won’t care about the environmental experience that Nelson wants to create, only about the PvP experiences they create with eachother, which is (one of the reasons) why he’s choosing to separate the game that he wants to create (Unturned II) from the game that he has already made (Unturned versions 1 through 3).



can’t wait for somebody to suggest a fallout 76 duel accept or decline thing. If somebody does suggest, you do are have the stupid.

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Honestly I think this whole thread is stupid, I am probably gonna mute it after this comment. Just dumb ideas to fix such a non issue its sad. They lost one to many maplestrikes I guess :woman_shrugging:

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I used to talk a crazy ton on the issue of players KOSing like mad crazy. You know, considering I ran essentially the only non-KOS survival group. I can’t find any of my posts, but they all boiled down to the one simple idea of the Prisoner’s Dilemma and how seemingly no matter what players will always be inclined to do what they obviously think will get them the best as an individual rather than a group. If you upsize / scale this up, groups do what is best in their own interests rather than cooperating with one another - even though cooperation would mean more spoils.

You can learn about Prisoner’s Dilemma here, and a more advanced thought of the dilemma here

I’ve completely forgot my solutions to the problem, but, most of the ideas throughout your post seem OK. Though I hate videos like the Dayz friendly Experiment. It’s a experiment without a constant variable, and has very little data (trials) done. If that makes sense.

The whole “communication is key” part is the main separation amongst players. For my group, despite being friendly individuals, we immediately KOS non-english players. Obviously we can’t be friendly to people that we can’t properly communicate with. This is an unavoidable barrier to communication in literally any game, and a game mechanic tweak will never fix this. Though ignoring different languages then yes, communication is effective.

Everyone has noticed this trend in Unturned. When you start off as a naked looting a town other people within the town usually are also naked, and never bother you. Sometimes they do out of plain boredom, but for me we simply wave and loot separately. However, in late game when people are fully decked out players will always KOS - seemingly in fear of loosing their loot. Of course it may be just for fun, but everyone loves loot, and nobody likes to loose it.

The solution could be to make looted players feel more comfortable when confronting other groups of players or even lower looted players. A ton of my group members hate trying to be friendly because they go about it wrong - they give low looted players the chance and means to kill them, such as getting close and friendly to a noob with a masterkey.

Players don’t want to take the time and effort of “being friendly” the correct way - being far away, talking out loud over a mic, and making sure they’re safe. Players can almost 100% guarantee their protection by simply keeping their stealth and avoiding you, or using their stealth to the advantage of killing you. Giving up the stealth to try and be friendly to you in a game where people can find one-shot guns in civilian towns sounds like a bad alternative.

Another problem is a lot of players may not see the incentive to be friendly. So what? I’m being friendly, giving this noob free loot, and in return he runs off? To me I see being friendly as just my personality. I love being helpful, conversating on forums, contributing to the game and groups. I like to recruit players and make them my friend. I’ve met nearly 90% of my good online friends from being friendly to them. But for the average player being friendly probably isn’t a solution or even a choice due to external factors, like not having a microphone, etc.

Now to actually address what I see.

Nelson would not approve of this, at least in my mind. He wants the game to be just as enjoyable and full of content as it would be for someone in a 30-man zerg or a lonesome freelancer survivor (atleast from what I think). Though I made a post regarding team-based work and the “evolution” and development of civilizations in Unturned II (which nelson liked… so its nice to know he’s probably thinking about it). Though I think it is neat.

I always loved the idea of players not being able to be “super soldiers” and recently I made a post to sort of counter that regarding genetics. I heavily dislike games where everything can be maxed out, especially in Unturned 3.0’s case. I even made a post about how I think ‘maxing out’ things could be avoided by making experience and traits more Exponential instead of in a Linear fashion - which would be a viable alternative to what you’re suggesting (you suggest points and having a cap, while Exponential would not exactly introduce such a cap). But I agree with most points.

I agree that lowering long-range capability would obviously bring players closer, and would give them the chance / opertunity to conversate or reason. But as said in my earlier comment, high looted players are too scared and too looted to bother being friendly (usually). Also I never really use any scopes higher than 4x lol.

You want less ammo types? I think more ammo types would encourage more sharing. Players in groups would find all types of different ammo, and would trade with one another. Though this doesn’t have much at all to do with being friendly - as purely random people definitely won’t be trading anytime soon. I never trade with randoms to begin with.

Huh. Sounds sorta neat, not sure how well that would go, though.

Why would this stop people from ‘spraying’ or hoarding stuff on them? You spray someone, they die, their loot gets damaged. You snipe one-shot head-shot someone, their loot is still damage just as equally as before. That wouldn’t stop spraying. Also, carrying tons of things and having their be degraded on death isn’t an inconvenience for you, it’s an inconvenience for the player that kills you - but you portrayed it as if it’s supposed to be bad for the player hoarding.

I’d rather not have a big floating bubble on my head for players to see while being stealthy. Sometimes I work with nakeds and I can’t talk out loud so I must type.

Although this of course makes sense, global chat is obviously fundamental to how servers work and is necessary. There are already plugins to prevent chat spam (IE, a small timer between posts)

Another side note: A little solution to the problems is to have proper in-game groups. The current system for 3.0 is not worthy and has it’s downsides, such as the owner of the group not also being the owner amongst his 4 other Gold characters, and in-game groups have the major disadvantage of not being able to kick offline members. It also could have a better UI, but thats just my opinion. By making it easier for players to join groups and begin effectively communicating and working together it would allow players to get together and team more fluently.

I like what your saying. I think that if warfare/skirmishes are more methodical I.E you have a base and they have a base with stuff you want you go and raid it and fight for the better supplies. It shouldn’t just be you see a random dude and go after him. What if he can provide you useful information or wants to be your friend. My rule is don’t engage unless engaged. Although that ends up with me dead a lot due to the current PVP system if the pvp and guns change like they’re supposed to I wont be dead before I can react hopefully. Basically what I’m saying is right now players just randomly kill each other regardless of the loot they have.

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I was just thinking, something games so far haven’t explored is a “collective server effort” for things beneficial for everyone. For example, restoring power to a structure or city. The Turned could periodically sabotage those objectives in planned hordes (like every full moon), requiring players to defend collectively the objective or redo those if successfully destroyed again.


I think that it’s definitely a great idea. This idea is often in PVE games or some PVP games but only rly amongst clans/ IRL friends. I think bringing friendly events to a PVP game not just for small teams would be awesome.

yeah and then them in a disagreement and beating each other like this for a weapon

or even like this

The only issue is that you get a negative rep so easily, it is almost impossible to gat a good rep on a pvp server. Because even defending yourself from a player who shot at you, but hasn’t hit you will get you a bad rep. Hopefully 2 will get an improvement in rep system. Then your idea would work.

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I actually don’t think that there ever will be a properly working rep system, as it’s completely arbitrary and no algorithm can judge a good or bad action.

So far in Unturned the reputation system has been just a gimmick for a concept that just doesn’t work and has never been reworked or used for anything. Rather, people are more than happy to get a “bandit” emblem that shows their pvp skills.


Do you mind if i make a post about this one, compiling the ideas of everyone in a post so people can read it, i have a draft made.

If you think about it this raises pvp skill ceiling.
Hitting consistent headshots would reward you with better loot drops,
Precise hits to weakpoints would be rewarded

Do you consider killing sentient being regularly?
Real humans have morals/feelings/brainchemicals

sounds like the same thing that everyone else has been saying for months.

Thats not true Update Notes


-Improved missing a shot/swing that travelled within 4 meters of a player to mark you as an aggressor if not under attack.
-Improved using lockpick/detonator/grenade to mark you as an aggressor if not under attack.

The reputation system makes no sense in the first place. It’s a number and title that is exclusively cosmetic and the factors that modify it can’t discern when it’s a positive or negative thing. People that care about it just want to flash a bandit badge in the player list to look seasoned and strong.

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