Makeshift Headlamp

We all know that the nights of unturned can be a bit annoying sometimes when it’s too dark and you can’t see 2 feet in front of you. Currently, we have 3 headgears and 2 items that help us see in the dark.
First being the Military Nightvision. The all time best, and the rarest of them all. Makes everything bright, green, and visible. But again, it’s very rare compared to the rest.
Second being the Civilian Nightvision. These are honestly trash and do no help at all. All they do is greyscale everything and make it worse than it already is.
Third headgear being the infamous headlamp. Spawned at construction sites, but still pretty rare, this emits a bright light that can be seen from Moscow all the way to Petersburg.

When it comes to items, we have the useless and RAM-devouring tactical light. This thing is very rare and pretty much sucks because you are forced to equip your gun if you want the benefits of the light, otherwise, you’re gonna have to deal with the darkness.
As for the second item we have, of course, the flashlight. But no one really uses the flashlight. Why so? Because it forces the player to use this extremely weak and fragile weapon as a tool at the same time, unallowing you to engage in any medium combat without having to switch off the lights.

The flashlight is extremely common, it can be found literally anywhere, but it’s bad. However, the rest, not only are they decently rare, but they can only be found. None of them can be crafted. This is where my suggestion comes in:
This is a craftable headlamp that can be done using a hard hat with a flashlight, or just a flashlight with some cloth (to make the straps). That would make actual use of the flashlight instead of it being a constant fountain of scrap metal. Because now people will start to willingly looking for flashlights in order to craft this and say goodbye to pesky nights. Now this suggestions isn’t just 1 addition only of a hat that can be crafted that provides constant light, but I also would like to suggest makeshift tactical lights.

Since we have a full list of makeshift guns, makeshift scopes, makeshift ammo, and makeshift muzzle extentions, it only makes sense if we add a makeshift gadget which we can attach in the gun to complete the set.

TL;DR, add makeshift headlamps and makeshift tactical lights to give players a chance to deal with extremely dark nights


What about thermal imaging?

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I know this sounds rather dumb, but the closest thing that comes in mind is a flashlight taped (or wired) togather with either a gun or a helmet.

If you (for some reasons) were able to handle that idea. Taped (or wired) flashlight on a gun should make that gun has more recoil (or whatever you pp called the opposite of grip.)

Also, please for the love of god make the civilian night vision more birghter.


You really expect thermal imagining to be in 3.0?

Yeah, it only makes things worse


I like the idea, but I would tweak the recipe. A hard hat with a flashlight taped to the top would be preferable, but with how clothing stacks, headgear slots and hat slots (in theory) wouldn’t function well together. And if the hardhat were in the headgear slot, it would look absurd with another helmet clipping into it.

With that being said, I think a recipe consisting of rope, tape, and a flashlight (with crafting III) could create an interesting alternative. The flashlight would essentially lay on top of your head with a rope around your chin similar to a party hat. Then the front of the flashlight could clip through any helmet or hat that is equipped to create an effect similar to a miner’s helmet, but for all (or most) hats.

Although, if anything, your second idea where it’s just a craftable headlamp would suffice. However, I would prefer a different recipe consisting of a flashlight, tape, and wire (with crafting III). I’d also be up for the makeshift tac-light as well since it would be inferior to the craftable headlamp.


it could be done like in 2.0. A simple hardhat with the tip of a flashlight sticking out the front. and it’ll just be headgear. That was you can have a headlamp and NVG at the same time!

But for simplicity reasons, Nelson if you’re reading this, just clip the flashlight into the hardhat where only the tip of the flashlight shows and the rest of it is inside the hardhat. No one will notice that it’s clipping through since we’ll be wearing it and won’t be showing.

A 4th method to see in the dark is to go to graphics properties and change brightness or other stuff you will not even need to use military night google vision, that can also work for other games.

This can work except for the fact that

  1. It won’t show on streams
  2. It won’t show on recorded videos
  3. The game being so lazy that you actually have to resort to an external method to deal with it
  4. You’re making the game even more boring than it already is. Eliminating the purpose of survival in the dark.
  5. Not all people can fix their brightness on their monitors cuz I use a TV for a monitor and the brightness don’t help at all