Making guns rare doesn't discourage PVP effectively

Punching someone with armor and with a gun will have no benefits because the guy with the gun can easily kill the man with nothing

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in real life no have benefits because you have the power of respawn but in a game you dont have any to lose ANY SAME

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


go play pve (the guy i replied to)

What about making pvp scary?

Taking more than 3 shots headtshot to kill someone naked is not something for a more serious survival game like unturned is trying to approach here.

Healing in 3.0 is very ez cuz you can just craft with your bare hands a bandage that medice industries took lots of machines and skilled personal to make, so you don’t fear getting dmg.

More pain effects would be also very nice like blurry screen when you get shoot and have movement speed slow down for a bit.

The scary but reward to come back come alive pvp ya know?


I think it should be harder to cause harm than to take it, like with all you’ve suggested. Right now the problem with Unturned is mostly people killing others randomly and repeatedly, so by having your suggestions it would only be harder for the victims to evade the shooting.

First of all, 4.x maps aren’t going to be small, and hopefully respawns are gonna be random, so that you’ll only be wasting time
Plus, that’s only if that person found a gun with suitable ammo

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo

In 3.0 players have no player collision
I can Sprint right through someone puch them twice
Sprint through them while they turn rinse and repeats until they dead

And exactly how is that benifitial to anyone or anything regarding this topic?
You are just mentioning a story that just so happened when you went up against someone who couldn’t play well. And that is just all out 3.0, because with bigger maps, you’re gonna have to be in the open before rushing someone, while in 3.0, it’s a small map, so you can easily track someone, follow them, and do whatever you want.

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