Making guns rare doesn't discourage PVP effectively

Some ways we overall improve this situation is:

Do what @101gamer101 suggested by adding caliber/ammo types. Can’t use that Eaglefire if you don’t got any 5.56 NATO laying around.

Improve the PVE elements of the game. Zombies should be a serious threat. AI bandits should hold areas on the map (perhaps in a few deadzones for example) and provide a non-player threat. High risk, high reward (but not like Horde Beacon level because that’s broken).

Overall make it more difficult to kill someone. Guns should be a lot louder and more noticeable, making melee kills more important if you really want to kill someone. Looting should take some time, but should be a lot cleaner than it is in 3.0.

I think overall the above could help a lot in improving both PVE and PVP in Unturned.


Thats true, but I was mostly making the point that realism does not equal balance.

Agree to disagree.

Yup and I’m perfectly happy with that choice, I was just pointing out again that “realistically” several of my neighbors could produce essentially any kind of ammo needed. I probably should have made that clearer earlier.

Anyways, lets not worry too much about real life counterparts and focus on what makes the game fun! :grin:

If you’re talking about getting jumped by someone who can kill you before you can get your gun, more guns make it more likely that someone who attacks you will have a gun.
If you’re in a situation where you will see someone before they attack you, more guns make it more likely that you will be able to defend yourself, as it’s now more dangerous to attack than to defend.
Making players quick to die to bullets does make it easier to backstab someone you teamed up with randomly in a city, and that means more encounters end up with one player eliminating the threat to their life.
Making players a bit more bullet resistant and making infection more of a threat, in addition to making high power guns dangerous to use willy nilly in cities, could change the outcome of more encounters to a temporary alliance to deal with the immediate threat, the zombies chasing you.
It would be nice if there were some way to incentivize teaming up in loot areas without making large groups even more overpowered.
Bases out in the wild are a different matter, as there are no zombies to fear and ideally bases are seen as deadly to anyone who comes near.

I live in Russia. So umm. There aren’t any guns at all (excepting sportshots). There are some guns only at police stations.

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Fair point
I kind of addressed that by saying people with these rare items might find themselves in a cycle of searching for ammo and PvPing but I see the flaws in that logic

By making guns rarer you make killing more worth it, if I have a gun and the guy across the river has a gun, I’m gonna go prone and shoot him. If there’s a guy in a city, I’m gonna kill him too. I PVP in this game for 2 reasons. 1: For fun. 2: Why would I loot when other people could loot for me? PVP will never die it’s just a matter of how easy Nelson makes it for me.

By making guns rarer, actually, two things happen:

A) you were going to kill that guy anyways, now it’s far more risky since the playing field is more level and reliant more on skill and less on loot RNG or forced game mechanics like Sharpshooter level. Since firearms and ammunition are more scarce, the cost of engagement increases significantly.

B) it’s also now harder, given the level of complexity 4.0 gameplay will have, gunplay in particular taking a stance much like EFT. I’m not even taking into consideration other new mechanics like environment (foliage for concealment, weather, etc) and PvE threats such as unpredictably smarter zombies that aren’t just trapped in towns anymore

While this doesn’t effectively discourage PvP, it does make it more difficult and more of a cautious decision than before.

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Throwback to when I gave a fresh spawn a Schofield and he killed me with it. Hope the guy dies in jail.

You do not have diplomatic proficiency, I see.

Out of the 340 people in friend roster, literally befriended half ingame in PvP servers

Is it me
but is the unturned pvp vs pve argument
is just sounding like a gun ban

“I’m a responsible gun owner, don’t make these 12 year olds ruin my passion!”

Y O U C A N T C H A N G E T H E 2 N D A M E N D M E N T


Maybe he wants the guy to die in jail in real life

Maybe the more people you kill, the more your screen get’s covered in red/blood? To restrict vision in order to stop more murders.

For hours and hours, I’ve been trying to write this fat block of text.
And I can’t seem to conclude it properly. :confused:

But I know lowering the spawn rate for guns won’t do too much to help.

The main reason why I think people are KOSing, is probably because of there not being to much to do.

Don’t get me wrong, Unturned isn’t empty.
But I feel like that I’m eating more MREs, than making crops or fishing.

(even on vanilla servers)
All me and my friends do is:

  • kill anyone who shoots at us
  • and occasionally a little base looting.

We never stepped out of our way to go hunting, or to loot towns.
We just do the same old same old.

But I feel like unturned can come back from this.
And it could be more enjoyable like the good ol’ days.
or probably even better than 2.0s PVE!

But I can’t think of this stuff myself, so I’m really depending on the people who read this.
But I know that the game might need:

  • somewhat of an end game
  • A better loot progression system
  • harder zombies
  • dynamic events
  • a higher cap for max players
  • a massive map (like for example, DayZ’s map. 200km^2)

Hopefully, I was helpful. :slight_smile:


well things like this

  • transform a decision of shoot put you in a hight risk (huge song of weapons atract other players and maybe zombies)
  • lose very xp when die

i believe a style of armor penetration and bullets more rares transform the decision to shoot with a weapon X in a extreme idiot idea. (Weapon X = A very good weapon) think about why a noob go atack a player with very armor being that hes forever go die =/…
in the 3.0 my brother kill a group of 4 with a simple weapons, for more skills hes have i never found it fair, because the others work hard to pick itens to have a good protection and my brother just kill the 4 with a simple ak and very bullets.


kylie i discord diferent of real life in games you have the capacity to respawn. (a noob spawning literary don´t have any to lose any same!). Hes have all to risk and a pro have all to dont risk
thinking about this is inevitable a conflict with the same.
the best think to do for now (in my opnion is obvious) is a style of Itens = Armor


well in here (BRAZIL) have laws to restrict weapons!!! More daily the police seizes a extreme large quanty of weapons in favelas and weapons of high caliber!!!

to you have idea in 2013 the police seizes ~7.874 rifles of high caliber!!!
and the brazil is the 11° country with more die because fire weapons .
Laws dont decrease the fire weapons just hide it =)

but realism dont change the balancement is this!

Yes. I COMPLETELY and UNIRONICALLY want someone to die in jail for killing me in an .exe file. Seriously dude, what’s wrong with you

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When being sarcastic, please follow it with “/s”

It wasn’t completely sarcastic, so I guess it’s got a pass.

You can’t choose both sides of the fence bro

Also, back to the topic please.