Even with the large amount of time given, I don’t think 3 people can make a well designed large map in a little under 2 months. Especially with the theme of “adventure map”
I want to try to make something, I guess solo making because I don’t have a team. I still didn’t get the meaning of Adventure Map
You can make what ever you want as long is it’s inline with the theme.
Generally yes, but making a map to my liking isn’t necessary. Make something that you would like to play.
There is no size requirements. If you want to make a small and well designed project go for it.
The Idea is very broad as to allow for a lot of different types of Adventure Maps. I will assume that you read the FAQ section where it’s discussed but if not I advise looking at that. A very simplified explanation would be a map that makes you follow a sorta story that has a certain goal and has road blocks in the way that preventing you from achieving that goal. Again it’s very broad theme that can encompass a lot.
Is it not kinda imperative it is to your liking since you’re judging it? Lol
Great contest! I wanna suggest having a custom gamemode name titled “Adventure” be a requirement.
Other than that, I don’t have anything much to ask. Except changing post’s design visuals, they’re a little lacking, in my eyes (white barbed wire icon as a border lining & white text doesn’t make a fun combination, doesn’t it).
The last mapjam had that theme exactly. A custom gamemode
Is there a discord for this? It’d be useful to have one since most people check discord more than here. Ant updates or changes would be seen faster. It’d also be a good way to get testers or have little showcases of the wip maps
No sadly, there is a myriad amount of reason as to why I didn’t want to create one for this event which are not worth getting into here.
For any major updates all participants will be contacted through discord. So don’t worry to much.
The wording made it out to seem that TSB wanted to make something specifically for me which I wouldn’t want. I’m not the only person who will be judging for this event so keep that in mind.
I see, that makes sense.
I didn’t mean that. I meant to make it how I want.
Yes, do that.
So we’re also allowed to create our own assets?
Yes you are.
Why can’t use content from Ireland?
Ireland wasn’t listed in the game for curated. So I left it out to avoid issues.