MapMania 2025

Welcome to MapMania 2025!

Starting today, you have two months (till April 1st) to make a project centered around the idea of an “Adventure Map.”

You are allowed to have a maximum of 3 people on your team, and those people must be listed on the Steam Contributors on the workshop page of your submission.

In the final submission name you must add “MapMania 2025”.

You have two weeks to sign up for MapMania on this form (Closes February 15th).

You will have another forum for you to do for submissions 1 week before this event is set to end (April,1st) which will be provided to you on this forum post.

You can:

  • Have up to 3 teammates (e.g. Level designers, NPC authors, Asset creators)
    • Teammates must be listed as contributors on the submission’s workshop page
    • Get advice and testing for a larger group, but these people will not get rewards.
  • Use any Vanilla or Curated map asset
  • Use any assets authored by your team, after the event start date

You cannot:

  • Submit any map created before the start date.
    • This includes edits of pre-existing maps
  • Use any Non-Curated/Vanilla workshop assets (No Object packs, resource packs, etc)
  • Plagiarism–Will result in immediate disqualification and blacklisting from future events.
  • Be against SDG’s Values – Values of SDG can be found here.
    • Kindness and empathy
    • Acceptance and inclusivity
    • Gender and sexual equality
    • LGBTQ+ rights
    • Anti-racism
    • Supporting Ukraine against Putin’s invasion. (Note: We understand that many Russians do not support Putin’s war.)

Maps will be judged based as it is. They don’t need to have to work in multiplayer but they have to be playable. You should specify if your submission is intended to be played in multiplayer, please mention it on the workshop page.

Here is helpful documentation Info on Creating, Publishing, and Updating Mods onto the Steam Workshop, Level editor, and for custom assets help Getting Started

Judges will be looking for

  • Unique Content
  • Good Concepts
  • Playability

Your Judges will be revealed at a later time…


  • First place: Gold Trophy Skins

  • Second place: Silver Trophy Skins

  • Third place: Bronze Trophy Skins


What does “Adventure Map” mean?

  • Think back to the old Minecraft Adventure/Campaign maps people would make, and how YouTubers would play them for fun. The concept is meant to be up to your interpretation so you don’t need to make it like those old adventure maps. (Examples: Herobrine’s Mansion, The Dropper, Blacklight).
  • Challenge maps, while very fun, are not in scope for this event. Sorry, no Unturned Skyblock!

How much creative liberty do we have?

  • You basically have infinite creative liberty when it comes to making a project. As long as the work is your own, you’re good to go.
  • Tribute Maps are acceptable, but what you’re making a tribute to should be apparent.
  • If you have a really out-there idea, one that stretches the very idea of an adventure map… we want to see it! Sometimes the incomprehensible is more interesting than the comprehensible.

How long should the map be playable for?

  • You should aim to make your submission a “fulfilling experience”. Some campaigns are short, some are long–but what makes a good campaign is intrigue, solid design and fun gameplay. This is all to say, you don’t have to strive to submit a multi-hour experience. A short, but well made and interesting campaign is more interesting than one that slogs on for another hour.

This is just depressing to see. Sad imitation of the mapjam. At least have some originality. Literally stole the background for the prize picture from animatic’s mapjams.


Good luck on your contest! I’m interested in seeing how this plays out with the new curated guidelines.

Sidenote- I really don’t appreciate the designer plagiarizing the designs (colours + placards) from the first MapJam trophies.
I heavily, heavily suggest getting your own unique identity to separate the two contests for your own sake. It’s not that difficult!


My apologies about the artwork, This was something that flew under my radar and was not something that I was aware of. The image has been taken down as of now.

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For me and many others, a pressing question is: Who will create maps for this game going forward? I find this situation disappointing. A year or half ago, I predicted that eventually, many old veteran content creators would leave, you know about who I am talking. And they would be replaced by newcomers who accepted new SDG rules or its management. The key question is whether these new creators will be able to produce work at the same level as their predecessors. And we’ll find out, though, because of this new event “MapMania 2025”

Well, regardless, I wish the “new generation” of creators the best of luck. Don’t let us down!


Two months is a crazy amount of time, like holyyyyyy…
People will definitely not use it all.

But still, good luck with it ig.
Also mapjam at home :melting_face:

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What about people that just make maps and don’t engage in politics? Do people that want to submit maps have to state they are in favour of X, against Y or okay with Z? Take for example Russians, pretty sure they can’t outright state a different opinion on the war in Ukraine without facing legal repercussions.

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I dont think thats true

There is a wikipedia article documenting this:


You wouldn’t go against the values then, so you would be fine.


Is this just a big April fools prank? End date: April 1st?


No, it’s just a coincidence.

Awww man, why can’t we use stuff from elver, it had the most adventure map esque stuff in it…


I don’t know how to tell you this…

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Also, what’s the point of making a registration form if the theme and all guidelines are already given out?
To censor unwanted people out? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So some people can start work straight away but then 2 weeks later get contacted that they’re not eligable to participate due to them doing something stupid and dumb before, and now what? They’ve spent time working on their submission and won’t even get mentioned… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I guess you can use it to gauge engament from the community and the number of probable participants but what’s stopping people from just spamming the google form to bloat the numbers? :confused:


If that happens that you are already working on a map for the event and then are told you can’t participate then you could still finish the map and upload it to the workshop. It just means you can’t participate. But I don’t know why they would have to decline some people from participating.


Trade offer:

Nelson receives:
2 Months of your life

You receive:
Bronze skin


Mainly to get gauge engagement from everyone and also to contact individuals for later information such as contest updates.

No one is bared from participating and the registration is not meant to filter anyone.

Google has some systems in place to prevent mass spam and I have some as well.

You’re right, it’s forbidden to talk about it in a negative way, especially publicly.

I have some questions. So you basically need to make a map to your liking, which will be playable, unique and with a cool concept? Just come up with and create a map and share it, for example, make some city from real life? Are there any size requirements or can you make a small one but well designed?