Upcoming Changes to Curated Map List


What content is being removed from the game?

No content is being removed from the game. The maps mentioned (Arid, A6 Polaris, Elver, and Escalation) will remain available through the Steam Workshop unless their creators decide otherwise. The associated items will remain available for purchase unless the creators request otherwise.

Will I still be able to play these maps?

Yes. The maps mentioned (Arid, A6 Polaris, Elver, and Escalation) will remain available through the Steam Workshop to play in singleplayer and multiplayer, unless their creators decide otherwise.

What will happen to these maps’ associated purchasable items?

Your access to them will be unaffected. And, unless the creators request otherwise, you will continue to be able to purchase them. The creators will continue to receive a 50% revenue share on these purchases.

What does “unlisted from the single player map list” mean?

The Curated maps tab in the Singleplayer menu shows both the curated maps you are subscribed to, and recommendations for curated maps you aren’t subscribed to on the Steam Workshop. By unlisting, we meant that the maps mentioned (Arid, A6 Polaris, Elver, and Escalation) will no longer be recommended, but will still listed for anyone subscribed to them.

There are already a variety of curated maps not included in the recommendations list. For example, arena maps were removed from this list a while ago because it didn’t make sense to recommend in singleplayer.

What does “the items will only be visible when linked to directly” mean?

There are a variety of ways to find a map’s associated purchasable items. For example, clicking the link on the map screen, browsing to a Stockpile page web URL, or searching for the item by name in the in-game Stockpile. These will be unaffected.

The change will be to which purchasable items we promote. For example, the featured item button shown on the main menu, and the discounted bundles shown in the news feed.

Will the maps only be viewable via link?

By default, they will remain visible through the normal Steam Workshop browsing experience. All content creators on the workshop are able to change this visibility if they so choose.

When will these changes be applied?

We are planning to make these changes in the first update of 2025. We don’t have an exact date in mind, but most likely toward the end of January.

Can the map creators delete their maps from the Steam Workshop?

Yes, anyone who submits content to the Steam Workshop can choose to delete their uploads.

What are SDG’s values?

Over time the company has become less “neutral” in favor of promoting our values, and players will rightfully call us out if our actions contradict those values. We will plan to update our website with our values in the near year, but in the meantime here are a few we’ve publicly promoted:

  • Kindness and empathy
  • Acceptance and inclusivity
  • Gender and sexual equality
  • LGBTQ+ rights
  • Anti-racism
  • Supporting Ukraine against Putin’s invasion. (Note: We understand that many Russians do not support Putin’s war.)