Upcoming Changes to Curated Map List

My name is Maddie Sexton, and I am Nelson’s wife. I was not involved in the Unturned community until a month ago when Nelson asked me to mediate a worsening issue.

Nelson: “Over the past year a rift in the modding community has gradually widened. I received several concerning reports about the origins of the rift and the history that lead to it. I undertook my own investigation and information gathering, but felt I was too close to the situation to be confident in my conclusion. Maddie hadn’t previously been involved in the Unturned community, and seeing my internal conflict, offered to get to the bottom of things from an outside perspective. She’s intelligent, observant, thorough, and the person I trust most in the world. She was very diligent in her research and talked with many people from both “sides” to hear their point of view and experiences. I’m confident she was unbiased in her assessment – I tried to get her thoughts partway through the process, but she insisted she needed to speak to everyone before forming an opinion.

I’d planned to personally respond according to her report, but I think I’ve reached a breaking point stress-wise. Through December I’ve been constantly worrying, my mind spiraling into worst-case scenarios lying awake at night. I wish I had the strength to handle the update and all of this, but to make things more manageable I’m going to focus on the update and any following bug reports. I believe the course of action discussed hereafter is necessary for the integrity of the community. My regret is to not have acted sooner.”

Nelson wanted to share more of his thoughts in this post. However, the toll this situation has taken on him is immense. I have never seen him so stressed in the 8 years we’ve been together.

To protect privacy, the full actions taken will not be shared publicly but only with the individuals directly involved.

Smartly Dressed Games is a registered company, a business, and Nelson’s life work. The company has the right and responsibility to uphold certain values and operate in ethical ways.

SDG’s chief values are empathy and kindness. Several curated developers have shown they do not align with these values. Their actions demonstrate a recurring tendency towards callousness and negativity. This does not refer to criticism or suggestions for game improvement, which SDG strives to listen to and address. It refers to false information, obscene language, and actions that create a toxic environment. SDG has chosen to cut ties with these people and to no longer consider them for map curation or paid workshop items. This decision was not taken lightly and is not based on a single instance or comment. It is a consistent pattern of behaviour that negatively impacts the community, the company, and the game. Although our values do not currently align, SDG has no desire to disparage anyone. The priority is to protect the well-being of the community and the integrity of the game. These people are talented and creative, and we are hopeful they will find opportunities elsewhere to continue their work. We appreciate the time and effort they put into Unturned over the years.

The maps that will be affected by this change are Arid, A6 Polaris, Elver, and Escalation. None of the maps or items associated with them will be removed from the game. They will however be unlisted from the single player map list and the items will only be visible when linked to directly. The maps will still be playable and the items purchasable unless the creators choose to remove them from the game and workshop.

We wanted to share this with the community because it is a serious change. Our primary focus remains on maintaining a positive, inclusive environment for players and preserving the values that are central to the success of the game. We want to be as transparent as possible about the reasons behind these decisions. I am joining SDG in an administration and mediation role so please direct any questions you have to me. My email address is maddie@smartlydressedgames.com.

On a more personal note, I know that the criticisms of these developers have spread throughout the community. Nelson is frequently put in the position of balancing the requests of developers with the needs of the game with the preferences of the wider community. He is incredibly dedicated to Unturned and its community. Nelson is without a doubt the best person I have ever met. This may not be as impactful coming from his wife, but I have heard the same from many people who know him. He is kind, generous, accepting, and always puts others first, even at a detriment to himself. He has his faults, of course, but he is just a genuinely good person. He has difficulty remembering which cupboard the plates are in but if you tell him your favorite song, he’ll remember it forever to make sure you feel cared for. Maybe these traits don’t make up the perfect businessman, but I firmly believe that this game and community could not have thrived like they have without Nelson at the helm.

The intent behind this decision was never to hurt anyone, only to help and heal. I hope this adjustment can help Unturned return to an accepting, positive community. It is truly a special place and game. Thank you all for sticking with it and supporting SDG through this rocky time.

Exciting changes are coming! The curated program is being revamped and will be announced soon. SDG is hopeful for a peaceful, fun, and content-filled 2025.

Comments have been turned off to help keep things civil.


Comments have been disabled per above. Players will obviously want to discuss this news. However: we’d like to avoid people speculating on this topic, and any other uncivil behavior.


What content is being removed from the game?

No content is being removed from the game. The maps mentioned (Arid, A6 Polaris, Elver, and Escalation) will remain available through the Steam Workshop unless their creators decide otherwise. The associated items will remain available for purchase unless the creators request otherwise.

Will I still be able to play these maps?

Yes. The maps mentioned (Arid, A6 Polaris, Elver, and Escalation) will remain available through the Steam Workshop to play in singleplayer and multiplayer, unless their creators decide otherwise.

What will happen to these maps’ associated purchasable items?

Your access to them will be unaffected. And, unless the creators request otherwise, you will continue to be able to purchase them. The creators will continue to receive a 50% revenue share on these purchases.

What does “unlisted from the single player map list” mean?

The Curated maps tab in the Singleplayer menu shows both the curated maps you are subscribed to, and recommendations for curated maps you aren’t subscribed to on the Steam Workshop. By unlisting, we meant that the maps mentioned (Arid, A6 Polaris, Elver, and Escalation) will no longer be recommended, but will still listed for anyone subscribed to them.

There are already a variety of curated maps not included in the recommendations list. For example, arena maps were removed from this list a while ago because it didn’t make sense to recommend in singleplayer.

What does “the items will only be visible when linked to directly” mean?

There are a variety of ways to find a map’s associated purchasable items. For example, clicking the link on the map screen, browsing to a Stockpile page web URL, or searching for the item by name in the in-game Stockpile. These will be unaffected.

The change will be to which purchasable items we promote. For example, the featured item button shown on the main menu, and the discounted bundles shown in the news feed.

Will the maps only be viewable via link?

By default, they will remain visible through the normal Steam Workshop browsing experience. All content creators on the workshop are able to change this visibility if they so choose.

When will these changes be applied?

We are planning to make these changes in the first update of 2025. We don’t have an exact date in mind, but most likely toward the end of January.

Can the map creators delete their maps from the Steam Workshop?

Yes, anyone who submits content to the Steam Workshop can choose to delete their uploads.

What are SDG’s values?

Over time the company has become less “neutral” in favor of promoting our values, and players will rightfully call us out if our actions contradict those values. We will plan to update our website with our values in the near year, but in the meantime here are a few we’ve publicly promoted:

  • Kindness and empathy
  • Acceptance and inclusivity
  • Gender and sexual equality
  • LGBTQ+ rights
  • Anti-racism
  • Supporting Ukraine against Putin’s invasion. (Note: We understand that many Russians do not support Putin’s war.)