So we are noobs for wanting to make an enemy stronger? ok
Also please do not insult anyone and actually make a good point about why you think this.
my old group use a knife to kill this shit is just a simple standart atack.
X seconds to X seconds he lance a boulder,
timer + max skills in run + a knife = EASY TO KILL this zombie of shit!!!
Fascinating, it’s like the zombie navigation is easy to exploit.
Turn standards in things plus aleatoryes
Not quite sure what you mean, you want regular zombies to turn into mutations based on random chance of a mega being there?
Add a style of many special powers like… _Spawn Zombies, Run in your direction destroying and killing all,
Spawning new zombies could prove interesting, but I don’t think the mega should do that, maybe some other special zombie.
create wings and throw flames like a dragon why no??
Well, growing wings is not realistic and breathing fire already goes to the boss zombies.
Turn weapons less effectives with long range.
Reduced damage at range could prove interesting.
Make the zombie detect you in long range and run to your direction!
No, as with megas, it is wise to pick your fights, and doing this makes stealth completely not viable.
Hability to turn other zombies plus stronger (like in fullmooon). (TO I DONT KILL USING A KNIFE)
No, people don’t want to fight 30 megas at once.
Add the ability to zombie jump in high places (to evict players in high places)
Kind of what I said, but it depends on how high to can jump.
Add the ability to zombie pick up and devour you and your items?!?
Picking up a player and throwing them is a neat idea, but devouring a person is a bit gruesome, and losing your items permanently is a bad idea.
Boss zombie play in defensive spawning zombies
I think zombies have to be offensive, they are brainless beings after all and can not think.
taking objects in you?
Please rephrase that, I don’t quite understand.