Mobility in combat

After it’s been said that way, it makes a lot more sense gameplay-wise now.




like what yarr said
its easier for the enemy

you would die quicker because your friend is stuck fighting off an enemy with a high power gun

i see
its the fortnite method
yeah i wouldn’t like that and i would find annoying very quickly


If I’m sorry for not explaining my idea properly :slightly_frowning_face:


No, it’s actually the rust method and it’s very entertaining :slightly_smiling_face:


well it came off as fortnite


first of all
automatic weapons fucking exist

5 bullets is, well…
let me put it this way
hop on a private game, get a common weapon (like maybe rattlesnake)
test the firerate
pretty damn high, eh?
now shoot five bullets as fast as you can

got it?
that’s how fast you can turn somebody from a healthy individual into a crippled child screaming for a revive or whatever the fuck kind of system you have implemented.


I feel like this is going nowhere, it didn’t seem so bad towards the end. You are basically complaining about time to kill now and I don’t think you’d like everyone being bullet sponges either?
You said you supported the Rust system earlier. But now I only see over exaggerated critisism which could have been constructive instead and I’m kinda confused right now.


How is that criticism?
I never said it was bad in any way, I wasn’t even trying to make it sound bad either.

I’m literally just saying that the limb crippling system (AS OF NOW) isn’t really good enough.
Look at everybody else’s posts.

A perfect example of what I’m saying. Separate limb damage is an amazing concept, but disabling limbs entirely with only 5 shots just… sucks.


Hm sorry if I misinterpreted you, it seemed kinda negative to me. Anyways, I feel like the topic of what should happen when you get shot in the arms or legs 5 times is pretty complicated (please no RNGesus bone breaking).

As I see it you don’t like being able to “nothing” if your leg gets yeeeted. The questian is what should happen when a limb (arms and legs in this case) has been criticly wounded?

A movement debuff would be the most believeable to me in a game atleast, but something else may be more optimal for gameplay as said by others. You would not immidietly drop from it (altough probably you would from the pain in real life) but you would bleed like hell. For arms well maybe make aiming shaky and/or item usage slower or less effective or something. What do you think?


to begin with what Yarr published, it doesn’t even matter because he thought about a very poorly explained idea that I made at first
So stop being such an idiot because all you do is throw hate, at first you made important points, but what you’re saying now is pure hate


after receiving 5 shots in the body it is impossible for you to keep walking, I don’t think you can resist 1 shot and still stand up in real life, so don’t say things that are illogical Pendejo :joy:


I said that if you were shot five times in your body, you would fall to the ground waiting for a friend to pick you up, but obviously if you are shot in your arms you will not fall to the ground, you will only bleed out and if you do not apply a bandage you could bleed to death, if you are shot in your legs you will not fall to the ground, but if you are going to have difficulty walking but obviously if you do not heal you will bleed out


basically Aden at first said important things but now he just spits out massive hate and contradicts himself :joy:


Headshots: Exist

With that being said, I find it extremely ironic that you’re seriously comparing a game to real life, yet you push for fixed values such as being shot five times in the limb would break that limb, and five shots to the body will down you.

Sure, five shots to the same limb will definitely immobilize you for a while, and might even fracture several bones beyond repair, but in the same vein of logic five shots to your upper chest will definitely kill you.

Please explain to me how a friend is supposed to “pick you up” when it’s very likely that several major organs have stopped existing?

Your proposed system completely ignores variables such as muzzle velocity, critical points, and even the size of the damn bullet. It’s perfectly fine that you want slower, more methodical gunplay, but the moment you tried to defend breaking limbs permanently with realism your argument fell completely apart.

It’s also interesting to see how you are so quick to say that someone is spouting hate in an attempt to sideline their argument, which, yes, I do agree are various aspects of the same vein of logic, also doesn’t mean that their argument is completely worthless.

What I’m trying to say here is, if you’re not willing to actively sit down and discuss what people might find wrong with your proposed system and insisting on trying to push home that you’re right, we’re not going to get anywhere with this suggestion.


Well, yes, that’s perfectly normal. I meant being completely disabled and immobile is a bad idea, unless the rust death system is implemented. Yeah, you would probably bleed (based on weapon) and sure,

That would work out fine.


Okay, I apologize if I sounded mean, but I’m literally just stating my ideas, man.
I’m not purposely trying to be rude, I’m just arguing my point. I don’t understand how you would interpret that as hate, but okay.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and this.


Sounds like a terrible limbic health mechanic in my opinion.
I prefer 0hp is death.


I’m not saying that all I’m saying is hate but some comments are because they are things that I had already clarified or ask things that seem silly because they answer themselves, and what you said about realism I know it’s very exaggerated but I didn’t want it to be like that the others propose that it should be like that, your friend could lift you up by applying a bandage or whatever occupies the wound you have


is that some questions you ask are very obvious to answer and you pose them as if they are a big problem when they are not, but I also apologize for getting angry too easily :sweat_smile:


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