More vanilla progression

it would be a good idea adding titanium adamantite and mythrill retroactively to vanilla as mining loot(so it could be totally not used if you ignore mining as a game mechanic).

Since metal is still easy to raid just adding a new material would make no difference. So i suggest each material can be used to upgrade any other structure having different resistances aka one resists blast(c4), one ammo(highcal guns) one is both and higher health (While less tricky to raid since you would not have to worry about resistances) the higher health would be a detterant.

You could make upgrades to existing walls by walking up to a wall to upgrade it holding the material, these could have a mechanic where one side is stronger or they are just some kind of hybrid or both types used in the upgrade for example wooden adamantium wall or a brick titanium wall. They could have cool designs and cost less (than to make an only endgame wall) so they would be the halfway between metal/brick and Adamantium/titanium/Mythrill trio. Above that would be crafted combined versions (could need specific tools or extra materials) that would be two layers in the same wall (when one breaks it is replaced with the endgame wall of the type that it was crafted from or just changes appearance after some specific amount of health is lost since that might be easier) while keeping the bonuses of the endgame materials.

Since new maps have so much storage and crafting potential that i believe changes like this should be encouraged. While not at the level of currated maps a bit more space in each locker by 1-2 rows could be just what vanilla servers could use (only after upgrading or crafting a locker with the new materials i suggested before metal lockers and wooden crates are fine i think).

No. But upgrading walls without removing old ones would be good. So would be increasing storage volume by a row or two. Currently, vanilla characters can run around with more loot that a wardrobe or two can store. This is goofy. It would also be a good idea to unify wooden furniture storage volume too, as they all use the same mesh/model. Metal storage units should still be treated independently, though.


Unless the vanilla game gets more crafting adding more space is not needed (for metal that is). Since you disagree with the idea of adding more metal types there would be no way to balance it (adding more space to lockers would make raiding even more profitable than it already is so its not something people who actually have played vanilla want). As i already said even a new tier of structure / locker would not balance it fully as raiding gear is still easy to get if you grind specifically for it, the additions of specific resistances and a way to hide what resistances those structures have would make raids less common (since i suggested the new materials could be used to upgrade any wall type it could be ballanced to cost less to upgrade the worse types like the 3 wood types while still making them stronger than metal that is the most common atm).

Maps like france germany even russia your base stands as long as you are online due to the abundance of raiding gear. This is mostly because there is not enough of a deterant to checking whats inside bases (worst case scenario you lose 1 charge per wood wall you check and metal bases usually arent empty if they are fully built).Bases should be raided only after the raider knows there is someone with loot inside it (so online since even if theres loot the good stuff could be taken offline) and mostly after its confirmed there is a lot and that its worth going after it even if you might have to use a lot more than it looks like due to the new mechanics i suggested.

hehe something we made the past month on my servers with uScript… we also increased the storage size with wood crates, lockers and more. however, personally I don’t like the idea of titanium, adamantine and mithril since they’re from arid/buak (right?) and it doesn’t fit very well with the vanilla content, they’re just exclusive from these maps, on vanilla maps you can upgrade your base with bricks


Wow. That is how it should’ve always been. And adding a logical purpose along with a value to otherwise starter melee weapon is genius.

That’s why I don’t play these maps. They are a sweatfest.

I know the concept is in Arid and probs buak too, but its there because they sound appealing as better than metal upgrades (whats the other option metal 2? no ty atleast for vanilla), so thats exactly why i choose to call the next tiers in this idea by those names also do read as the resistance and upgrading parts of each material is what im trying to push not just the material names as i dont expect my idea will get added anyways much less one to one (and it dosent meant you cant add it, buak dosent let you craft vanilla structures and vice versa. Vanilla needs a longer endgame so the game turns into something more than a get online to rebuild your base simulator, where each time you are bleeding more of your loot and inventory space).
Bricks was only made as the better upgrade option since it was underused othervise even now as its more metal efficient many people dont make the brick structures (for doorways and walls). And while its the best its still not enough to make your base hold out for more than a single day on a big server (building bigger with it only would increase the target on your base so that dosent work either)
Edit your msg or add in your reply the server you are adding these changes to ill gradly try them out for a different vanilla feel, not worrying about space and having an better time upgrading bases seems like a nice change.

no, they’re from terraria.


One thing for certain and I believe everyone would agree with: structures should be upgradable using some sort of upgrade tool/hammer like in the video shown by ItsRodrigoAI. Currently its easier to just build a new base using metal instead of upgrading the old one. Also a huge problem is that some random pillar or box will always be blocking you from replacing a structure, which will ultimately force you to salvage almost everything anyways.

It should be very user friendly and easy to upgrade bases, to encourage players to work on their bases. Most bases are 2x1 wooden ones which, once they get raided the player leaves the server anyways. I don’t think raiding is to easy (if we are talking about vanilla) Most of the times raids are simply not worth it either, users have all their best gear on them when logging out. Adding sleepers like I suggested a long time ago here would help with this situation but make the game less casual overall which might not do good for the average player base.

I don’t think there is a need for many more structure types in vanilla, but if there was one better material than metal (I wont count brick in, since you cant craft roofs or floors) then it would incentivize players to grind for that resource. Maybe “crystals” which can be found in airdrops, mega zombies and horde beacons which can be used for “crystal structures”. Again, would incentivize actually going to an airdrop and not making them almost useless for those playing on the server regularly.


Last part i have to disagree with as if a new type of structure was going to get added it should be special instead of just giving more health (not trying to put down the way you tried to suggest the same idea of a new tier but it should also feel vanilla, so it should be a type of metal instead of crystal like you suggested) Instead the last tier of vanilla structures adding the resistances and beeing able to mask the last tier of materials usable for structures with other wall types would make it so endgame you could leave your base alone for weeks without anyone daring to raid it, and if they do they have to worry about the resistances so they might fail raid even if they tehnically had the raiding gear (so you never know if its going to be 1 charge or lets say 7 or even more if its against a c4 resistant wall. It would make you think twice instead of offlineing every base on the server) would make it so you have to wait longer before a raid becomes profitable instead of just checking a wall with a charge that is easy to get. Also if blowtorch hitmarkers get reworked you could test the resistances of each wall wasteing a bit to know for sure (based on repair time or it could literally tell you what type of wall it is as you repair it without telling you its current hp) that you wont waste a lot.

Well it wont be good to just add this suggestion either as the splash damage from c4 / tanks goes through walls and would have to be fixed first.

Tank splash should atleast be reduced for the following one since noone without a 5man has time to build a 4x4 on most of the wipe/decay servers that are in fact pretty bad for the playerbase thats already divided into countless servers that each take 2-4 players (and the rust clones that take way more. Still dont know why people like them as there are modded servers better than those)

I guess i can see why some people like it as it does make the game a bit harder having to keep your base from decaying and having to farm from zero every couple of months

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Funny enough the brick buff in part happened due to me asking why don’t we have brick floors and roofs yet. It was almost a year ago when Nelson did reply and state that new building related stuff is on the way. And indeed it was. We just never got more brick structures (which should be just a copy-paste of colors and interaction sounds on some models or whatever). And yes, while bringing some good change, the new building update made it even worse in regards of replacing, say, roofs, floors or doorways, as you now have to remove doors on the floor above to do something. It is ridiculous that we didn’t get a fix for this for a whole year.

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There is a lot of things Nelson said he was working on and instead of just adding something new he’d want to completely re-do some of the core unturned mechanics/systems. Whilst this sounds really cool and would benefit long term, we didn’t see much of it yet. I feel like there is just so much that could need some improving that its easy to get overwhelmed and lost in what to start with or what has priority.

I am all for mechanic re-works instead of finding workarounds by adding a few items, but updates that add new stuff or change/balance existing items are super exciting nonetheless and especially for the casual player its something they come back to and try out. There will always be a vocal minority complaining about any update, and act like its the end of the game but even doing controversial updates do better for the game than no or barely any updates at all. Its almost like Nelson is scared to change or add anything major, because of the backlash he could be receiving which is a bit sad to be honest. At the end of the day I personally enjoy most of Nelsons changes and additions and only rarely dislike some. Look at Rust for example, they just ball out crazy update’s which half of the player base hates but they don’t care. At the end of the day players will still play the game and its just a matter of time until they get used to it and all of it adds more content.

Nelson did mention he was going to focus more on updates and keeping players in touch nowadays, so all we can do it support him and encourage him by leaving feedback. I really hope to see more regular changes (even if not major ones) coming rather sooner than later. We have all memed updates like the blindfold addition but even looking back at that, at least something was added to the game.


I think a further buff to bricks would help

We just need brick floors and roofs, that’s it.

I am just eager to know what is he cooking. We didn’t get any updates for about two months now. Is it something big, or is he busy with something else? Although I hate modern-day curated maps and only farmed achievements on them, I like how, for example, Arid, solved a big grievance of many people by locking skill levels in place for everyone. It evens the playing field. I am all-in for that becoming a permanent thing and skillsets going away altogether or giving minor buffs to their respective passive stats or whatever. Otherwise, Unturned is fine as-is and more necessary reworks are probably on the technical side of things, like optimisation (please).

While we’re at it, there was a Weapons Rebalance Project in the works two years ago. It was a community effort and even had Nelson’s approval of sorts (he was willing to look into it when all the numbers were done and gave people green light to brainstorm), but it got cancelled due to certain events and attitude of a project leader towards Nelson’s actions regarding them.

time to smash some Demonic Altars to spawn them in


Even then brick is no good for large scale stuff. Its like a super rare upgrade at the moment at best you will have a 1x1 made of brick if you focus on looting construction areas every once in a while while still doing the other unturned stuff that lets you survive against players in a multiplayer setting. You could bust walls and have a chance to get bricks (real small chance othervise you get brick chips that are needed to make new bricks) making the bricks farmable (since buildings are usually only in cities it would create another reason to go into them)

Still dont think this brick idea i came up with is better than a new tier of specific raiding gear resistant materials, that can also be used with previous materials creating either mixed variants (visable that its x existing material combined with y endgame material costing more endgame material to upgrade better starter ones) or camo variants of the endgame material buildables

unpopular opinion I don’t think vanilla should be remade to play like buak/arid or whatever


in terms of what

That is what I was trying to tell to this guy. Just add brick structures we are missing and that’s it.

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