The missle on the map idea got me thinking, how about instead of an op missle that is really uselss ( it can be both op and useless don’t ask )
Imobile cannons
How about just big cannons that you can find in military bases and around surivivor camps. Why, these places (some) can be repaired and fixed. The these massive guns can be used to defend it.
These guns can be researched or something and you can place weaker versions. All these guns are manned only, but you can upgrade them to be automatic, these guns target ( ai mode) vehicles and are like a tank cannon in power.
Npc surivivor camps have versions of these in there bases. To defend against bandits vehicles.
Another kid of turrent, these can be taken form military bases and spawn very very rarely, and are hard to transport. These also require an operator until upgraded. But a crafted one can be made.
Another way of raiding people, you can place it at a distance and shoot, the shots are a little inaccurate, expensive, but do a lot of damage at great range. Aiming is a little difficult, but it has a range indicator and can rotate 360 degrees, there is no ai version but npcs do use them. (Aiming tip, uses some military binoculars and find the range then put than into the indicator)
This would make for a different way to raid bases and defend your base, even attack enemies bases and neighbors form the confort of home.
New Rocket turrents
A turrent that fires simple rockets for base defence or attack. There are three main kinds. Makeshifts, hold 6 rockets total only makeship rockets and are inaccurate. Military, found outlying or made with really high crafting, hold 12 total rockets, only take military rockets and have good accuracy.
Attack missles, Yesssss like the end game mortar, lower explosive range and higher cost, but these baby’s have a fair range and good accuracy. Annoy your neighbors with raids form the confort of home.
Possibly also a flack gun, to shoot down attacking planes and missles automatically.
ai logic upgrades
These new sentries have a smarter ai by default. They can have there modes switched and take ammo directly, can hold lots of ammo.
The standard mode only shoots if the base or a player is shot at. Not punching or shooting anything else, also these have greater range than the 3.0 guns.
The cannons target vehicles first, then groups of people then people with the best gear.
New: rockets ai. The missles could be heat speaking variant. Not good for raiding though only for aircraft defence. All the rockets can be automatically fired, but the missles require a person, except mabye the heat seaker.
Also to stop ammo waste, there would be an intelligent upgrade, it means that your guns will “talk” to each other so instead of all firing at once and using your tank cannon rounds on one raider, it will calculate how dangerous the target is and assess a reasonable defence. Your tank cannons would only fire once all other lower defences have been destroyed and the cannon is undefended. So your ammo is spared for more dangerous attacks.
I think the mortars would be very fun and the upgraded turrents that have an inbuilt gun would be useful and have more ammo storage.
The cannons are just a little fun idea I had.
Ps, leave any ideas bellow.
Edit, you could craft the mortar and standard rounds. But military grade shots will be better, plus incendiary and high explosive with low penetration. I have made a lot of edits.