How would the ability to have more maps than a chart and a gps sound? Not really as a utility but like a map making tool with the ability to create treasure map type things or maps of interiors, even if you had to make it in paint it would be really useful as a map making tool.
Sounds interesting, like you can hide a crate filled with stuff and make a map to it?.
So drawing on maps?
I would think so, except you can leave them in a place and if someone finds it they can use it. It could also be useful if you hide a vehicle somewhere, make map to it., then if you forget where it’s at you could use the map.
Then, it should be called BLANK MAP or something like that and you would be able to draw and shit
Yeah but also for map makers, ie having maps that spawn in specific locations showing specific things, so you could have a crashed plane with a map in it showing where loot was dropped
I like this idea a lot, actually. It adds a bit of character to maps, and also makes it feel a bit less lonely, like there’s other survivors out there.
Something like in Arma: Ability to draw on the map and show it to your group. Put down markers if you have a GPS (Shows marker in-game and the distance towards it) Ability to mark enemies on the map.
This suggestion would probably go well with mine Charts, Car GPS And Military GPS, the idea of creating your own map sounds great.
Maybe notes could have images besides just text.
(a place on inventory where you could see collected notes would be nice)
Personally, the only map I want, is a map to track other players.
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