To fit with 4.0s more realistic and gritty styling, I created this.
Nobody make a semen joke.
Please no semen jokes.
I am against 4.X being called Unturned. It needs to be branded differently, or people won’t realize that it’s more than just an upgrade to 3.X.
Nobody would have made that joke, except you just gave people that idea.
[joke about semen]
anyway, its good, i’d remove the splaters and the city though. Simple things are cool too
Then what’s the point of the player model?
Eh. I think just taking the current logo / launch icon and switching the face to use the newer/smoother design would be fine.
That aside:
Nuturned, the “New Unturned” game!
Thanks, Molton. Thanks.
No one thought of making semen jokes if you didn’t mention it in the first place.
Anywho, I like this logo. But it should be green rather than red due to Unturned’s theme color being green
So just the letter U?
It looks great, but maybe you should replace the red with black, and the white with green.
@Kylie I was going after the old ut 2.0 logo
Take out the white cum splatter and replace it with rust or something
Or take Kylie’s suggestion and change it to green and make the white splatters be black, or red for blood.
An orange version would look way better than green.
It’s being called Unturned II afaik.
It doesn’t have an official release name yet. It’s been referenced as Unturned II in the past, and is called Unturned 4 in Steam. Nelson has also just considered renaming 3.0 to “Unturned 3” or something similar, but thought that might be confusing.
It might end up becoming something like Unturned II and Unturned: Legacy. I guess we’ll find out soon though.
I’d like to potentially see a Rust approach to this, where every stage of the game has a distinct name, even down to the major updates like XP or component systems being dubbed individual eras by the community.
I think Unturned: Horizon (for new) and Unturned: Legacy (for old) would be fine contenders.
xD i thought that was U turn sign
Hhhahahahhaahaha wtf this reply made me laugh