Night time should be extremely dark. like pitch black

I can easily find your spot bu just having knowlegde of only the small ammount of area around myself? Besides, Id rather not have to pullout a flashlight at all but still have to walk in a dark-ish area, that promotes stealth. Also, this isnt rust, Unturned doesnt have to be as realistic as possible to be fun. :yawning_face: :yawning_face:

If we are going to have anything close to pitch black during a night I’d prefer that it’s related to moon phase and weather. As in pretty much only when there is a new moon, and especially when it is cloudy as well.

Also, has anyone here put time into checking the Trello?

I’d love it if we had a pitch black night once or twice every in-game month. And for those who absolutely refuse to play during those types of nights, the second bullet point provides a solution.

As Vile said, gamma boosting can nullify some of the stealth advantage provided by nights but hopefully Nelson will work out an effective way to deal with that. Last time I played 3.0, it was like having military nightvision 24/7 although I don’t think gamma boosting had a large impact on darkness nodes.


if unturned doesnt need to be realistic, would you be okay if everybody started using aimbot and ESP? aimbot isn’t realistic. so should it be in the game? and if the game doesn’t be very similar to rust it will die faster than a apple exposed to oxygen :yawning_face:

Go ahead and try that logic with all the games you normally play. We’ll still be here when you get done with that.

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It isn’t pitch-black, light from the sun and light reflection from the moon are still a thing, there’s still a faint light on the horizon at all times, i’m sure you can look this up by yourself if you care. The ground and objects are dark, but the sky is still noticeably brighter than the terrain, even without light pollution.

1: Aimbot and ESP are COMPLETELY unrelated to this topic, as those are hacks made to ruin the game, and are made by a 3rd party, NOT main mechanics.

2: You saying that every game should be like Rust is like saying that every survival game should be the same. For example, its like having two IDENTICAL jugs of orange juice at your grocery store, but each jug has a different brand. LAME (imo)

3: If you really like rust so much, you already have the damn game, so just play that since it apparently has everything you fucking like. You dont need 500 copies of the same game with different names.

4: You dont have to have the most fucking complex shit ever to succeed, besides, having too many useless and annoying features is scope/feature creep (not to imply that rust has scope creep). We already had a long, long thread about this just a few weeks ago.


5: Im getting quite frustrated that you are acting like an ignorant asshat. All of the people who have dealt with you are getting fed up.


And most of the people have stopped bothering, i suggest you do as well.


ok then :wink:

can I just say, and this applies to literally %50 of all suggestions here, why not make it an option? project zomboid has options for a lot of shit when you first start a run, including how dark night time is. just, let people choose.

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letting server owners choose would be perfect. there could be the hardcore ones for chads and the easy mode servers for casual players

by pitch black i meant everything on the ground is pitch black. including barricades and stuff. not including the sky

Pitch black is a bad idea, think it should be very dark , but you should be able to see things just in front of you, you should be able to see vague silhouettes, but not pitch black and full moons should brighten things up a bit as well.

if theres a player 10 + meters away from your crawling on the ground, you shouldn’t be able to see him unless you have night vision

i have an alternate idea :


fog at night would be nice too

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i have decided to visualize what danaby has said about thic 10 meter fog

i do have excellent art skills



casual player

t. BraydenBomb

Be Brayden
go into pitch black Unturned II night
die 1488 times to zombies i cant fucking see


yeah getting seen by that 8 man group while im trying to sneakily transfer loot to my secondary base is so fun!!11