Night vision

If implemented correctly, thermal vision can definitely be balanced. Here’s what I think:

  • Thermal vision detects players, animals, zombies(?), and car engines(?)
  • Thermal vision, like in real life, cannot effectively detect heat sources through walls.
  • Thermal vision has limited range (I’m thinking heat sources slowly get dimmer and less focused with range, then sharply drop off.)

a torch to carry in your hands

well other players will be able to see the light too.the pont behind night vision is to see the enemy without being detected.

I was just talking about a light source you could carry at night in the early game. I thought I would bring it up in this thread since its about seeing in the dark. And yes if you bring out a torch at night/flashlight it will be a beacon to your location. It would be cool tho to be climbing the mountains at night or exploring a cave with a torch over head.

This item (torch on the head) already exists in unturned 3.X and the climbing/cave discovery idea seems great! and for the start of the game I think that the actual model(of spawning with no stuff) is good and that players will find torches super early in the game .

IR based nightvision is anything but (easily) accessible to civvies lol

That is a image taken by a non-handheld military-grade IR sensor (in WT, I know, but still), you should not get anywhere near that resolution or responsiveness in a civilian-grade handheld/portable device.

If the civvie nightvision is really going to be IR based it should be fairly chunky, require some sort of battery, have a sub-par resolution and noticeable delay (or any combination of the four) so it would not be flat out overpowered.

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