No tanks/APCs in the vanilla game

So a shaped charge that you have to place/throw in position to blast the tank does half the damage as one you can fire from across town at a moment’s notice?

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The only way to prevent military vehicles from being acquired easily is if enemies are harder.

I think the APC should be the only heavy armoured vehicle to exist. I don’t see why it shouldn’t be included, it’s a slow vehicle used for personnel transportation and probably the only vehicle besides the bus to carry more than 4 players.

Tanks could be props, as a non-operatable vehicle or destroyed husk. Optionally it can be scrapped with very high scavenging skill for advanced parts.


Na have tanks to, even in 3, they aren’t even op. Any one with a high call weapon and some cover can destroy them without taking damage.
If anything the should be fixed, as in all vehicles shouldn’t just explode once their “health” reaches 0.
Basically like all the vehicle impovemnt posts


what about just a regular military truck with bench seats in the back, that can carry like 8 people

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Military vehicle list

I could see these added as military vehicles:
  • Jeep / Military Truck - Standard. The weakest military vehicle but superior speed. Either no roof or with a roof, but otherwise not very protective.
  • Humvee / Armored Military Truck - Light armor. A slightly lower speed difference to the unarmoured one but better in other aspects (health, fuel, and armor).
  • Ural / Military Transport Truck - Standard or light armor. Just a slower truck with better durability and seat count. If possible, the driver and front passenger have better protection than the backseats.
  • APC - Heavy armor. Pretty simple, the toughest vehicle in the game with full passenger protection. Not so great with speed and driver field of view but not really its purpose.
  • Huey / Military transport Helicopter - Standard or Light armor. Just an upgraded version of the civilian helicopters.

There’s no exact ‘Light armor’ or ‘Heavy armor’, since I believe the game would have penetration resistance values rather than just flags to nullify different ammo types.

There’s gotta be an end-game vehicle (at least the APC), even if the Humvee is the top choice for a solo player. If we can have large military guns, why can’t we have large military vehicles?

Acquisition difficulty

3.0 faces the problem of allowing players to safely gain items and vehicles simply by crawling into the place and leave unharmed. This is also especially due to zombies having detection problems, and that guns in the game deal 99 damage, enough to put down any zombie in a few shots where a single assault rifle with a few mags can clear an entire military base (Save for the mega).

However I could think of ways to make it difficult for fresh spawns/low gear players to loot military locations
  • Obviously guns shouldn’t have insane zombie damage. Instead of 1-2 shots to the head, it would take twice or more depending on the zombie type (If there’s a variety). Or just make zombie damage not a thing? There would be instead a zombie damage multiplier so some weapons can be effective or ineffective to zombies.
  • Military variants of zombies are tougher and more ferocious than other zombies in different places. Higher HP, speed and maybe damage.
  • Area could be contaminated with a weak infection fog, harming those without an upgraded immunity.
  • Zombies can move and turn at random instances so players cannot take advantage of their blind spots indefinitely. There should be an obvious pattern to their patrol path to make it fair.
  • To counter players climbing up and meleeing or shooting them to death while unharmed, zombies could jump or have the map designed to make it possible for zombies to climb up to your high ground.

Re-introducing the tank

I can only see the tank being added to the game if most of these are factored in:
  • The gunner has very limited view and is stationed inside the tank.
    • The cannon does not exactly turn according to your mouse. It has its own speed (Not too slow though).
  • The above’s previous advantage would be taken by the tank commander, who has different view modes:
    • Interior - Protected inside the tank but slightly limited vertical view.
    • Exterior - Exposes half of his body for full view. Can use weapons at this viewmode
  • Like with the vehicle demo, it takes time to switch seats from driver/gunner/commander.
  • Piercing rounds (SABOT or similar) are the only ammunition available. Deals extreme damage with very little blast radius. Must be in the tank’s inventory to reload. Very heavy when in inventory.
  • Optionally locked on default when found in a military base.

This way, the tank is a slow and cumbersome vehicle impractical for solo use (Which is probably why it has no place in the game). Its only purpose is base destruction and anti-vehicle combat. Maybe against bosses/hard enemies for cheap kills but that’s about it.

I don’t know if the machine gun should exist. It would re-introduce its advantage against personnel and probably overpowered.

Not saying it should be added but it’s the only thing I could think of to make it less of a cheap killing machine.


helicopters should have strong glass, but well-placed shots to the rotor, tail rotor and horizontal stabiliser should make the thing uncontrollable, and high caliber rounds pierce the glass


I don’t think APCs should be amphibious

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Well the machine gun could either be in the turret and operated by the gunner or be mounted on a mount that the commander could use (but have to pop his head out of the hatch making him vulnerable to sniper fire)
Also some tanks should have a seperate mini-turret for the machine gun on top of the turret. (Google M60 patton to see what i mean)

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no dude. if people want stuff like this so much then it will be way easy to mod in. Advanced and complicated military shit doesn’t make any sense in a survival game. UII is going to be be way more survival focused than the previous iterations.


they could be pretty balanced in first person because of the fov reduction, but third person is a bit more difficult.


What I’ve thought is that once you enter a vehicle then you can’t use third person view. There should be some kind of dev/cinematic mode that you can use for better first person view, that server admins can use and stuff with more camera controls


No way dude, I want to have a tank vanilla game and use it to fight a horde or something. The tanks should be made more useful against hordes of zombies, like having so much horse power that even surrounded on all sides by 50 zombies they can run without issue.


For balance reasons. Also, heavy military weapons specifically designed to take out tanks should definitely do better than some construction demolition charges.

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I disagree. Its that higher tier vehicle that every player wants and tries to obtain. Just like there are higher tier items like the Rocket Launcher. If you remove them it defeats the idea of working towards obtaining the better loot (including vehicles)

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but if vehicles are rarer overall and harder to maintain then people will be wanting efficient vehicles rather than tanks and armoured vehicles.

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Ok, but doesn’t mean we remove it from the game. I think it adds to the survival aspect not takes away from it


why? it’s immune to gunfire and can shoot missiles.

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To be honest, are vehicles really in need for a nerf in UII?
In 3.0 driving civilian grade vehicles is basically suicide, any automatic weapon will shred your car and blow it up. The only good thing about vehicles in 3.0 is the ability to spam barricades for armor, but considering UII will likely be a lot more sensible in this regard, i don’t think vehicles necessarily need a nerf, although in saying that, finding military grade vehicles could be made a lot rarer.


You didn’t really specify that “shaped charges and antitank grenades” refers exclusively to shaped charges for industrial use, which is why I misunderstood.

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i think that civilian vehicles shouldn’t explode when you shoot the body and doors. the doors can come off if you damage them, but the car body won’t blow up the car if you shoot it. Instead, you can shoot the wheels and tires and the car is stopped/uncontrollable.

So instead of making vehicles with weapons and stuff, normal vehicles should be stronger.

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