So someone made this post: Realistic MRE System!.
It’s a good suggestion, but many among us, including myself, feel that such a system might not be achievable in Unreal. Therefore, I am making my own spin on the topic.

Currently in 3.0, MREs are eaten whole. The suggestion that someone made above was to be able to reach into an MRE as a sort of storage and pick out individual components of it.

My suggestion is thus:
The item ‘MRE’ can be broken apart into its components, instead of it being a storage.
When broken apart, the components cannot be crafte back into an MRE.
Therefore, a player would only break apart the package when he wants to eat it, thus saving space.

The components are as follows:
This is the entree, the main course of the meal. The item name would be ‘MRE entree’
This is the bread and cheese portion. Respectably known as ‘MRE bread’ and ‘MRE cheese’
This is the ‘MRE crackers’
And finally, the ‘MRE dessert’
As a matter of fact, several other components can be added as well:

‘MRE coffee’
‘MRE gum’

And the ‘MRE energy bar’


Not all armies issue the same MREs, (or whatever their equivalent happens to be called.)

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I like that you said that and that there could be Canadian MRE’s and German MRE’s and so forth, each with there own contents.

I’m not saying we need several unique MREs for each country, just that their contents wouldn’t necessarily need to be those shown.

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I like at least that you want to portion the MRE into several different parts, a much more reasonable idea than having some storage for food, which gets confusing fast.

See? I make some of the best posts.




“You live to die another day.”

Don’t we all die someday?

I wonder what the Canadian IMPs (MRE) contain.
Maybe some bacon & hashbrowns?
Any ideas on a flameless ration heater for the main course?

You’re going to eat the heater?

Oh no, I never considered eating the ration heater, haha!

Some meals in MRE containing food could turn out to be frozen solid, and require flameless ration heaters to heat up the main entrée.

Many MREs designed for cold weather are usually a soup, which I prefer using a heater, but you can eat it cold!

And well… maybe I’d consider eating the heater if we were in a communist state, due to famines and nothing to eat, lol.

If you were, you’d be eating raw potatoes and grass soup, not flameless ration heaters.

Kinda unrelated but MREs taste absolutely terrible. NEVER eat the bolognese.

Or the Lucky Charms

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