Option to Add Pronouns to the Bio Section

proof or gtfo

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Great, good job Nelson. This is what happens when you agree with such a crowd. Now every liberal (you people are undeserving of the term “leftist”) will use such arguments as “basic decency” and “combatting nazism” to further devolve this forum into identity politics. Removing dragon beast’s hoodie wasn’t such a great idea now, was it?



If this gets added, should there be an option for users to remove that element from their personal UI?

Why would you? Setting my pronouns as globgalabgalab/glabgolabgolab and having the jannies ban anyone who does not respect them sounds like a blessing to me.


please refer to my above post:

which was liked by molton (the person to whom most of these individuals privately complained). If you want more than that I believe given the extremely hostile response that it would be a terrible idea to give the forums any indication of who these people are for the safety of the people who complained. Rest assured, they are in fact real people with real emotions.

This is exactly why what I’m proposing is necessary. It is precisely to make trans people feel more welcome. Based on your post, the past situation does not make these marginalized people feel protected, but they slowly are starting to feel more welcomed by the community. I also missed the part where I brought up leftism. Interesting that you seem to be placing the leftist label on trans people given the fact that transgender people can be of any political belief from far right to far left. Also, if your main antagonist’s arguments are “be a decent human being please” that says a lot about the core of your character.

I hate that I even need to have to explain this, but do you seriously think I’m asking for pronouns to be added to the bio because nelson took away some guys hoodie? What a ridiculous statement. Yes, all of the communists throughout the world were dancing on the rooftops when nelson made his decision to embrace Ho Chi Minh thought by taking away a hoodie from somebody.

edit: I also never said nazi anywhere in my post, so it’s cool that you’re trying to say that you’re on the side that they would call nazis, makes understanding your character far easier


It would be entirely optional like any other part of a bio
edit: unless you mean to not see other users pronouns, then no that would negate the point

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For the safety of the people who complained? I hate to disappoint you, but people here don’t murder transgenders as a past time.

To make trans people more welcome? I’m sorry, is there a gif of a trans flag being burned on the front page? Is the forum’s header “You will never be a real woman”? It isn’t? Great, that means trans people are welcome here, just as anyone else.

My character? I’m not roleplaying here. Good job nitpicking my words, pumpkin.

You’ve completely missed my point with the hoodie. You must be really awful at understanding social queues.


I was more referring to the general tendency of the forums to latch onto individuals in the community and bully them to the point of being almost forced to leave, as was the situation with NuclearPotato and is the current case with RainOfPain. You’d have to be be fairly blind if you think people would be buddy-buddy with trans people on the forums. Every post they’d make there’d be some jackass in the comments their to make sure they’re put down for that day.

Well you can take a look at this entire thread to see very clearly the extent of transphobia on the forums, you can also see the response to my previous pride month post where around 60% of the replies were in regards to how “terrible” trans people are. You don’t have to see a trans person being shot to understand that the forums are a deeply unwelcoming place for these people.

Not everything is some weird attempt to get you to roleplay

please elaborate on what you actually meant with that, there was no reason for somebody’s offbrand hoodie to be brought into the conversation, and I am desperate to know how on earth it connects to leftism or pronouns.

edit: I also covered your entire post so I didn’t nitpick anything. I critiqued the whole thing.


Yeah I honestly don’t know either what someone’s hoodie being removed has to do with this conversation. Very different subject.


Came back from hybernation just to say you people seem suspiciously upset about a very optional and minimal addition.

I’m surprised how a topic titled “OPTION to Add Pronouns to the Bio Section” devolved into the counter argumenters resorting to trans-sexual slurs and claiming neo nazi support.

As Rain has proved, this doesn’t even have an exclusive relation to “transgenderism politics” (idk how to phrase this better, sorry) - It can also help commenters not mistakingly call you a he when you’re a she, which I reckon will be the most common situation given the sex demographics.

TLDR: Can we bring back the 2018 community, some of the current active posters need to go touch this more often
EDIT: Alternatively, play F-Zero GX, same effect


Yeah this is one of the most pointless arguments i’ve seen here lmao, like it’s not even a big deal why are you all bringing transgenderism politics here

edit: also close this thread when, it’s clearly shown to not be productive after a 9 hour lock and people still keep attacking each other over a small suggestion like this


I mean you can put the pronoun beside your name

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Yeah, it is kinda concerning that people are so vocally against such a suggestion. Why?? It’s not hurting anybody.


Average pronouns option hater and non F-Zero GX player

Average pronouns option respecter and F-Zero GX player


Just would like to point out my post agreeing with the idea got no likes from anybody and it seems it’s just a circlejerk of a see-saw argument. You guys are just liking each other’s posts mindlessly lol

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I liked it originally, but didn’t see the bit that said it would make no difference. To me it would make a world of difference, so I unliked it. I do thank you for agreeing to add it though.

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It would obviously be nice if moderators took action on obvious transphobia, but the only suggestion I actually made was for a slot for pronouns. If somebody wanted to abuse that system to make the same attack helicopter joke for the 9,000,000th time, then be my guest. I would recommend they take at least one class on comedy first though.

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Personally it’s not necessary but if people wanted/don’t mind it and it’s optional, sure why not. I can’t fathom people who feel violated by its existence.

I was wondering if such a thing would be possible to implement but I just remembered about custom titles.


(Originally ‘Leader’ status but just demonstrating)

If I go along the initial ideas, it will simply be shown after the user title if it exists.

If people abusing it would be a problem then it can easily be solved by a drop-down menu with pre-made options (e.g. Blank, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them).


This seems like a really effective solution that satisfies all parties! I support this.