Options for entering buildings

Also, it would be loud to get the door open with a crowbar, because some of the wood is still snapping.

Sure, that’s the point of using a low level skill, but it shall be better then jus bashing in.
If the wood snapping sound was decided by a RNG that uses your lockpicking skill as multiplier then it would be nice

So you will have doors with different levels of lockpicking required? Maybe recognizable by the doors look (example wood door, reinforced wood door, metal door)?
Idk, I saw many many games already using that style, and honestly I would like to see a lockpicking mechanic with more variety

No one’s saying a fresh spawn should be able to easily pick all locks. I think lock picking should be like in TES IV or TES V, where lock picking actually relies on player input, but is easier when they have done more of it, rather than the ability to pick locks being dictated by how long you’ve been grinding with a crowbar.

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Fair point, even if I prefer Splinter Cell’s lockpicking system cus I find it more immersive then the Tes one. Besides, as said above, it would be nice to have different ways of lockpicking doors, especially if lockpicks would be an item that expires in case you mess up. In that case, using the good ol crowbar would still grant to the player a “sneaky” way to get inside, even if obviously it’s not good as a lockpick.

Another thing I want to mention, is that if this kind of locked doors mechanic will be added, then with heavly locked doors using your foot wont be enough in case you want to bash in (think of reinforced wooden doors for example), and this could leave space for a parallel bashing mechanic, also based on having the right gear (like sledghammers).
It shouldn’t require the player to have the hammer equipped but just in the inventory, and when you decide to bash in if a tool is needed, then an animation will do the rest (I mean you won’t have to equip your foot do bash into normal doors :smiley: )

I realize this is a poor example cus the door is not even locked xD
But as you can hear, if done slowly, it’s not that loud at all

This one seems better

Anyone said coop lockpicking???

Obviously you won’t be screaming “Hit! Hit! DRIVE!” to your partner x)

How about sprinting into a door makes you burst it open (a few games have this) even if the door is unlocked.

Fast but loud.

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Working on it.

If the lock is strong enough, the door should stay locked though.

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