Petition to Bring Back Bran Cereal?

Surprisingly this is actually a ““serious”” topic about bringing variety to our food stores.

  • Bring back Bran or riot!
  • Don’t bring back Bran.

0 voters

“Bran-e-os contain 0 calories in a sort of salad mix.”
This is bran cereal, anybody who has played 2.0 will (probably) remember this breakfast cereal.

As everybody has seen unturned lacks many delights everybody enjoys in their meals and adding more food not only makes inserting all those IDs into your loot spawn tables more complex but also add a great variety into your stores to make the game a bit more interesting.

Mods, please do not mistake this for a joke/meme (Which i know at least one will do) this is a legitimate petition to force Nelson to add Bran Cereal into 4.0


Where is my Canned Chili and my Canned Vegetables?


Majority wins, Nelson it looks like it’s time to bring back Bran.

Add a clip of you eating Bran Cereal to your next update video.

Or Bill Gates will eat your hard drive.


thats right nelson much that shit

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Whoever voted no should be force fed with cereal without milk


It’s good for you. NOW SWALLOW.


If you search in the workshop , someone create a mod with the Bran cereal :slight_smile:

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