Player Genetics

these suggestions are getting dumber and dumber, we need to be creative again. Actually no, we don’t, this suggestion IS creative it just isnt smart. No one would enjoy this except roleplayers, and even then I don’t think they would. The only games a genetic mechanic like this would really work is a rouge like, because it has been in a rouge like and it worked. Maybe if unturned was singleplayer only this would be neat

keyword: Neat


And just because it’s balanced doesn’t mean it should be added.

It’s pure RNG. Either that or even if it isn’t, then people will pick a “meta choice” where they get one bad trait but one good trait that is the most effective.

It’s just a bad idea overall and I can’t believe people are even remotely considering adding it. It’s just like cannibalism; it won’t be added to II.


As someone who enjoys RP I object

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wait… for RP? oh hell yeah. if we can change our genetics then definitely make me autistic.

Because then, when i drive a Firetruck through 5 houses and when the RP Police come by, it’ll be simplified for them.

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Alright last Comment here

Seizure Genetics


Of course. Never suggested something that wouldn’t had been meaningful, obviously.

Excuse me, but I never Roleplay. I hate Roleplay. Just because you see this only appealing to such a crowd doesn’t mean me, a survival enthusiest, or others, will see it purely as a roleplay aspect.

Still don’t know what this means.

Just because it makes sense, would add to the game, is balanced, and some players would enjoy it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be added. As we said, we even suggested that you could choose to be the ‘average joe’ and not suffer any bad genetics in return for no positive ones. This solution literally appeals to you, someone that doesn’t want it, and players that do want it.

Cannibalism is a completely different story and the basis of which why it will never be added is due to Unturned’s nature as a free, blocky kid game. Genetics are not bad for kids. If anything they’d learn a thing of two for once.

RNG means Random Number Gods Generator

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I’d break down the post, but honestly, it isn’t worth my time; nor others.

You have never changed your mindset on any suggestion you have made on these forums ever, judging by the ever so growing number of comments. To anyone trying to debate his points, I don’t want to come across as rude, but it’s really pointless. Just leave your thoughts and move on, like I’m going to do myself.

Anyways, I’m sorry, but can you seriously expect Nelson to go “Oh yeah, let’s add diabetes to Unturned!”
The mere concept is laughable.

“guys achondroplasia is the best choice, make sure you go for that” - new reddit post after II launches

Anyways, the mere idea that you said

yet the entire suggestion is completely game changing, ranging from affecting hitboxes in pvp to adding new items completely based around it, to even the mere fact that it heavily changes player vision, stats, etc, and even just how players would interact with something as simple as killing Turned is entirely hypocritical.


Everytime you respawn the screen should dim darker and darker til its pitch fucking black and you can’t see shit and gotta find a new server, but guess what dipshit, Its tied to steam64id, haha baby now you gotta make a new steam account to play.


Just going to add onto the hottest of your takes here

Not really sure what you are trying to say here. Sure, if it takes place a decade or two in the future, you could probably find syringes full of CRISPR juice that cures common genetic problems, and this would be fine in a single player game (cdda has this) but it wouldnt in a multiplayer survival game for the reasons literally everyone else has mentioned. Also if you are going to be adding a unique trait thats supposed to impact your game, it probably shouldnt be straight up removable.

You missed the positive impact portion, probably because this doesnt create a positive impact. This creates people complaining on forums that they spawned with nearsightedness and now can not snipe with ironsights for the rest (because of the steamid) of their entire experience of the game. Do you realise how many people this would piss off? “oh boy cant wait to play UII, oh wait I am now at a pernament disadvantage in the early game of literally every server no matter what! how fun!”

This would be the instant meta, making your entire suggestion irrelevant

I mean by making all genetic problems diseases that ruin a players experience and something that must be cured by genetic modulation asap this is kinda getting into the eugenics side of things but hey :man_shrugging:

This sums it up. I havent actually seen you ever come to a compromise on anything,even when you are pretty much the only person who wants it.

Obligatory poll.

  • I want genetic disorders!
  • I do not want any genetic disorders.
0 voters

Guess I didn’t see those reasons.

Obviously it should / could. As I said, the CRISPR idea is debatable, not sure if it should or should not be in the game. But if it is, then obviously it should be rare and expire or what not.

People sign up for what they download. If Unturned II offers a big, in-depth survival experience and Genetic Diseases is apart of that players shouldn’t be complaining. They will learn to overcome survival obstacles. Thats as stupid as having Nelson add durability and people flying to the forums crying about it. Does that mean it should be removed because it’s a nuisance and unnecessary to them? Again, people have suggested that you don’t spawn with immediate 1/20 vision, rather it degrades over time, perhaps multiple real-life days of scavenging, hunting, shooting, and playing. It’s simply something to maintain and keep track of, just like food/water/rads/durability. People complaing about those 4 things, but we still see them present in the game.

Also, if you simply read, other people have suggested that diseases shouldn’t be based on S64ID, rather players can choose to have one genetic disease and get a corresponding positive benefit from it. Or, players could choose to not have any disease and be an average joe with no positive benefits.

No idea what ‘instant meta’ means. Though I take it you mean all players would choose this. Thats your take on the idea. In TF2 we don’t see every player using the default stock weapons - some players choose different weapons that have buffs and debuffs associated with them for different playstyles, advantages, alongside with the occurring disadvantages.

I’d rather have this stay a discussion, not some kind of vote that gets it locked for whatever reason.

you hear that fallout 76 players? you can’t complain about the game being vapid, buggy garbage because you downloaded it! this is some of the dumbest logic i’ve ever seen.

not to mention that you’ve been (seemingly) the first one to think of genetic disorders as a feature. nelson sure as hell never mentioned them. so if they show up in my game and they turn out to make the game shittier, then yeah, i’m gonna complain, because i was never told this would happen, and it has happened, and it sucks.


Food, water, rads, and durability. if they show up in my game and they turn out to make the game shittier, then yeah, i’m gonna complain, because i was never told this would happen, and it has happened, and it sucks.

holy shit that’s the worst comparison i’ve seen in my fucking life, haha try again buddy


i need justice for driving a firetruck through 5 houses

Edit: i also need justice for listening to a blitzed and drunk loli sing Country roads

I legit said that in my traits post. It’s basically the same as this post but with good traits to.

Sorry for all the people that are gonna get notified lol

Look, I (and probably others) do not want a character building trait system in UII. As someone with a handful of hundred hours in C:DDA which has a very very similar system to what you are descirbinng, and I love that game, but its singleplayer. The problem is there will always be meta builds that are superior than others. There will always be traits that are stronger than others (if there is a point cost system) and if there isnt, then all traits feel samey. You can not make a character building system both effect gameplay and also actually be balanced and feature more than a handful of playstyles. Everyone will always go for whatever lets them snowball or whatever helps them in the end game the most, because if you “make it” that life you will have more fun in the end game. Think about it this way, there is the potential to spend 10 hours playing fully geared out, but you know for a fact that it only takes 2 hours to get to that point, so you can have 2 hours of an advantage, or the potential to have 10 or more hours of advantage. Obviously those numbers are made up but I hope you get what I am saying here. No matter what any end game character build will always be superior.

I feel like what you really want is just gameplay variables that let you spice it up, which could easily, and far far far more effectively be done with a very large, and very end game centric skill system that rewards play time. My perfect vision for this is that everyone spawns as a clean slate, and then builds their character throughout the game into whatever suits their needs/style.

People have put thousads of hours into unturned, have excitedly contributed to the forums and have big hopes for UII. A decent chunk of those people would be really disappointing (assuming nelson went on a bender and decided to implement) a system like the one you suggest. Logging into the gae only too see that you have to choose a burdn to bear for the rest of your entire experience of the game? (going with the 1 negative 1 positive thing) That would directly lower the amount of variation from “life” to life.
No one is against good gaeplay mechanics that fairly add challege to the game, I just dont want to get screwed over by something that wasnt my mistake. Survival games should punish the player for doing stupid things, survival games should not punish the player for playing the game.

yep thats what I meant. In TF2 some of the guns are just straight up better than the stock ones though, even if they are slightly zany. (I remember the soda popper or baby someting being fairly op) In applying ths to your idea, it would be that you could get skins, but all of them would be zanier and all of them wold make the game harder. You could do it, but the tryhards that would be trying to kill you wouldnt.

Just trying to show the general community opinion on it. I dont really see how that would get something locked, its not a poll saying I want it locked, but in all honesty I dont really see this going much further from here. Im assuming yo are going to reply saying that durability punishes the player for using weapons, and hunger punishes players for walking around and then something about tf2, ignoring things that are fairly good points and baiting for another reply. sorry for the typos I was waiting for an uber and its cold out and i have had some fun if you feel me


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