Post your 8value results + Political Shitpost

I can relate, I was a social democrat for some time actually, this was before transitioning to my current beliefs.

@AnimaticFreak perfectly balanced, as all things should be

You pressed “unsure” for everything didn’t you? I’m calling jreg. I’m calling the centrist boogeyman

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No I clicked ‘Ctrl+Shift+I’ because I’m really smart and funny and handsome




He’s immortal, unkillable, enlightened!

i decided to alternate strongly agree, and strongly disagree ever 10 questions (except at the end, where I had to alt slightly differently due to being 216 questions)


More questions really change things up.

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Decided to make this a seperate post

I took a 9axes test a while ago, these were the results.

For clarification Sernard Banders said its unfair to call all of cuba evil because they did a really great job at getting their literacy rates up via nationalized schooling systems. (Higher than the U.S too!) Obama said congratulated them on the same thing a few years prior aswell.

The vast majority of peoples political beliefs stem from personal experience and upbringing. If you are a disenfranchised person, you are obviously going to lean towards the group trying to enfranchise you. Its only really when people don’t have the life experience/any interaction with something that other peoples anecdotes and attempts to change their mind work, or alternatively when their life begins to change in away that brings about cognitive dissonance and they have either cement their values or change radically.

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yeah true but i’m poor and i’m not a leftist so i’m an exception as well as other people

Lost of confusing words but, basically if I were to vote bernie, this is why, too make sure he’s president to cause cognitive dissonance so they change radically

also funny mem


war… war never changes


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post your results, show us how based you are we know you are a descendant from 4chan turkler >///<

aight, here’s what years of shitposting made me

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turkler, socialist

say sike right now say that you copied everyone’s results right now. No socialist can ever step foot within forchan it’s just not how it works

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Some questions were a bit too open-ended for my liking - I answered Neutral to a lot of questions that I felt were too ambiguous for me to give a conclusive answer on, even though I would likely have had an opinion on them. I guess it’s meant to be a vague and casual test for fun, but oh well.

My results didn’t surprise me at all.


why is everyone a socialist or liberalist?

i don’t really think this quiz is accurately judging us

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