Not possible, here are all the badges you can actually get in your 3-month time frame.
The Reply by Email badge is literally broken and can’t be obtained.
New User of the Month can only be obtained in the first month, I don’t know the exact criteria for it, but it’s unlikely you will get it.
You don’t have enough time to even get Aficionado. One thing to keep in mind about it is that if you were to take a break from the forums for even one day, all your progress for that badge will have been reset.
Anniversary isn’t possible because last time I checked 3 months is less than a year.
Good share just isn’t possible with the amount of activity that’s on the forums, yes you can technically get it, but it’s very unlikely.
Admired is just not possible with the number of people that are on this forum, especially with the time limit you have.
Crazy in love is a badge people really, don’t want you to have. It requires you to like spam, and most people fucking hate like spammers, especially when the like old posts, which you will have to end up doing because there’s just not enough posts a day to fulfil your requirements.
Great Share can be done, but there’s just not enough people on the forum.
Troubleshooting will take to long with your time frame.
Devotee can’t be done with your time frame.
Hot Link is just so hard to get, the best way to get it is to post a link when a Devlog comes out, and about 20 other people will be trying to beat you to it.
Famous link is just Hot Link on steroids, no one has ever gotten it, no one probably will.
Great Reply requires you to be Nelson.
Great Topic requires you to make god-like a post, and even then it’s really difficult to obtain.
Leader requires you to be a part of the Community staff.
Map Curator requires you to either be in the Special thanks of a Curated map or a Creator, the best way to ensure this is to be a Creator, this will take way more than 3 months, France’s development took over 2 years.
Mythical Curator is practically impossible, due to the fact that it’s unlikely we will see another box series in the game, Nelson seems to want to phase them out, thus new Mythicals are unlikely.
Blastlane Tournament already has happened, thus the badge is not obtainable.
Vehicle Demo is not being given out anymore, thus you can’t get the badge.
Firing Range might be given out again, though I’m not sure.