Realistic bullet hit and damage

good point but melee exists

then use it

Helmet saves man from ax attack

ok ok ok buuut if guns are rare then both people are using axes so its a fight of skill and if he has a good helm that doesn’t have an opening for the other guy to strike through and vise versa

now i’m going to stop the augment (hopefully) and say yes i would like for a little more realism in realistic unturned
but not to that point we will have to sit and see what nelson does

Small caliber or high caliber, if a kid hits you with a colt from 10 miles away and hits your face, everything you’ve been working for is gone and there’s nothing you can do to avoid it. So you don’t really get a chance to fight back resulting in a more shooting game than a survival one because it only means “He/She who gets the first shot wins”. So you’re gonna go around and kill everyone to make sure no one shoots you… discouraging PvP? I dont think so


That’s assuming the first shot is a headshot, and that there is no damage drop off.

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Well, considering how massive heads are in Unturned (in retrospect to the body size) vs other shooters, plus the fact that the Unturned playerbase already aims mostly for the head, this is going to be a disaster. Plus, you could easily deceive someone into letting their guard down and a well-placed shot to the face would instantly be the end of them, functionally creating paranoia that causes a constant gear fear, a sociophobic environment reminiscent of Rust and other games.

Translation: this suggestion = KoS rates go through the roof


What would damage drop off do if whatever shot you do kills instantly if it’s a headshot?
Distance won’t matter at all if it’s a 1 hit kill

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That is an understatement, my friend

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One hit headshots from all weapons under all circumstances is so obviously an unrealistic and bad idea, that I don’t know why you would assume that that is what is being suggested. I’m not taking a stance on 1 hit headshots, just saying that I find that your argument doesn’t convince me to take the same hardline stance against them as you.


FINE i will fix it.

There are multiple reasons as why 1 hit headshots are not good. I just stated my PoV. Since you can’t dodge bullets after they’re fired, so there is no real way of fighting back and proving you are worth the survival, instead you die instantly, not giving you a chance.

I think everyone knows realistically one shot to the head with practically any gun will kill you but games just cant be that easy. Some starter with a colt could one hit a fully geared guy if he isnt wearing a mask.

But i do like the concept if you get shot in the helmet it wouldn’t hurt you as much in game. It may make you a little dizzy or get knocked out but it wouldn’t take any health away but thats getting a little to realistic.


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Wait, I want to get this clear. You think it is unrealistic that a gunshot to the head kills you? While I agree it may not always kill you irl, it will certainly take you out of a fight. Unless you think it’s useful to relive a scolding you got for taking cookies when u were 3yo in a gun fight…while wandering in and out of consciousness and lucidity. Good as dead as far as a video game is concerned. In a survival situation without medivacs, field surgeons, and medics…I’d say dead dead for sure.

Now, if you mean with a combat helmet on a 1 shot kill is more rare, I can get behind that. Helmets ‘can’ protect from a bullet if the bullet glances off. If it hits close to dead on though…you are D-E-A-D, dead. Again as far as a video game is concerned. In real life you might survive for long enough for trained medical professionals to reduce swellling from a glancing shot (which will almost certainly leave you with a dangerous concussion) or on the off chance a direct hit bullet passes through your brain and misses ‘vital’ areas. By vital i mean you live but you lost all long term memory, or have to relearn how to talk, or maybe you lost the ability to relieve yourself properly cuz the circuitry for telling you your bladder is full or pressure is buildign on your colon has been destroyed by a bullet passing through your friggin brain!!!


a blow to your head, stomach after some time encountering problems
it is not necessary to die instantly from the 1 hit, but any unpleasant effects should come up anyway.

thx for help 7thScar

you are just repeating what scar said and changing your ideas to make it sound like everyone misunderstood you. First, you say 1 bullet kills to the head. Then you think up some crazy spin the wheel shit about, oh it has a 16.54535434343343781256 percent chance to kill you and 16.45343423233546677866685 chance to knock you out, and a 16.3443583747343 to make it so you cant eat food. Now you say that, Oh, it just takes 5 minutes to kill you, hehe. That is why this thread is annoying.

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the idea adapts to the preferences
a bullet in your mouth leaves your teeth (you can not eat) -_- dont attack me

What does a bullet in your mouth have to do with anything? And if it was fired out of the gun the shooters accuracy would probably make the bullet miss, but if you put an unfired bullet in your mouth, it never is in your teeth unless specifically have it there, and magic won’t move it from your teeth, but that would never happen because that’s dangerous and people don’t chew on bullets. So your explanation is unless. And yes you can swallow the bullet if you really want to. (This is just an April fool’s roast so don’t get triggered. But it does make sense)

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He’s responding to this:

And wasn’t making a serious suggestion hence:

Edit: Oh, he actually thinks that’s a good idea… Fire when ready.