joke mode: obviously deadzone is the best one you guys
overly serious mode
the only two things here that are just objectively better features are inventory weight and shotgun mechanics
everything else could either be easily added (pretty much everything item related), wasn’t necessarily better (the anomaly), or was intentionally excluded, likely for balance (pistol optics and weapon attachments)
I was looking back at 2.0 screenshots, and something I miss that I didn’t realize I missed was the style of the wooden walls. They had those two posts in the flat walls, which IMO were much nicer looking than these log cabins that you can apparently make out of 3 logs per wall.
Yeah, they looked better overall. Wood doesnt look too bad in 3, but metal is very ugly, stone looked much better in 2. Thank god for the new crafting system though.
Yeah. I don’t hate the 3.0 wood, but after seeing log cabins everywhere, it kind of gets bland. The 2.0 walls and stuff at least looked like something a survivor would quickly put together instead of spending time making a 1x1 cabin for less than 25 logs (I still don’t understand the logic in that).