what would your guys thoughts be in having a physical map ingame instad of pressing open the map in the game menu ud actuly take out ur gps thing and ul see the map in a more physical way so the game will feel more immersive and hardcore
… a game that dose this… farcry 2 -metro:exodus
I personally like the idea and believe it could make the game more interesting. If I understood correctly, you want to do what it was like in the Unturned 2.0 (Unturned Classic) where you need to equip the map in hand to be able to visualize, am I right?
Yeah and there could be a paper map and a more modern electronic map.
The paper map is just showing the map without your location and your friends, but the electronic just like the one right now in 3.0 could have realtime location of yourself.
Seeing as this was the design mentality behind vehicles (with things like speed and gear being on the dashboard of the vehicle itself and not a UI) I’d not be surprised if Nelson was already planning to take this into account.
Nelson is actually very active in the SDG Forums. There’s a good chance he will.
This seems like a great idea and could possibly eliminate the problem of not being able to accelerate a vehicle while viewing the map and of course add hints of realism.
Side Note
i see you are a man of culture as well
This post was made by
16:10 Gang
(please disregard this if you didn’t take the photo lol)
I think it could be cool to be able to walk around with a GPS, chart, or compass out, but I also think it would be useful to have an interface where all your navigational information is available at once. Maybe other tabs of that interface could contain information about quests or lore.