Ok, there’s already a post called “Research”, but my suggestion is completely different so I guess it’s fine
I haven’t posted a serious suggestion in so long I’ve forgotten how to write a suggestion properly. Hooray!
So, item crafting in Unturned 3.x is based off a single skill that goes up to level 3. Different items require a different level of the crafting skill.
Basically, you kill 3 zombies and you are suddenly capable of building a fusion reactor. Obviously this will change, but how it will change is not set in stone.
This is how I think unlocking recipes could work in UII.
do x to unlock y
Let me explain this a bit more. To unlock items, instead of leveling up a skill, more advanced items will require research to unlock. For example, to be able to build a generator, you’d have to collect a few parts from a mechanic. To make this task less tedious, similar items could be grouped up, so that you only have to do one research to unlock all of them.
Certain skillsets (if they’re included in 4) could start with certain recipes/groups of recipes.
Give me your feedback, if it’s good, if it’s bad, if it’s [REDACTED]