Sacrificing Canned Beans

You’re an egocentric child incapable of rational thinking, that’s why he cares. Unless Nelson is fine with his email being spammed by beggars, “item collectors” (read: beggars), and high-tier traders you’re not getting the beans. Deal with it.

Just cuz 2 ppl disagree with this doesnt mean i wont get them plus i never “spammed his email” nor begged, i was simple asking and saying its a joke but i guess he like the idea but aight, go complain on some other discussion or smth instead cuz u clearly wasting your time here lol.


Perhaps it was a mistake to encourage this considering the backlash, but on the other hand it would be unfair to back down at this point. In this Friday’s update there will be a special non-tradable non-marketable edition of the Elver Runic Canned Beans with the effect. danaby2 and Renaxon will get copies because they made Elver. Until the end of August anyone else can sacrifice five mythical and/or crafted mythical canned beans to receive the special edition.


Shit me, I won’t have a computer until September

This will effect the market, mostly on beans lol. They will make every other bean skin expensive, and will make spectral gems beans even more expensive. This is kind of stupid just from 2 INDIVIDUALS.
If everyone wanted it there already would had been people since the beans were released. Backing down seems unfair but it’s stupid in my opinion.

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Nobody is selling me beans!!! I’m trying to buy like a million of em for $2

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I now have 5 mythical beans where might I craft the mythical?..

NVM: it is not Friday

their at fault for investing in an economy based on block zombies


aint no1 touchin my paint beans

this is an amazing idea, whoever disagreed must have bean on berries

Can i ask why the mythical is off the skin?


How does one “sacrifice” the canned beans? like is it just salvaging them, or some other method?

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Nelson forgot to add the “crafting” option for these beans they are not released yet.

I want my beans…

There is not actually a feature for this, but if you email me we will arrange the ritual. (in the future if there were a feature for something like this it would be in-game)


@SDGNelson So how many cans of beans do I have to dispose of to get runic canned beans?



Haha no beans for you

so the beans are not tradable or marketable

I secured the dinna for everyone