While the idea is certainly unique compared to most suggestions of “add [blank] survival feature”, I don’t think it really has a place in the kind of game Unturned II is.
The closest me (and others I believe) are willing to get to this, is a npc bank hold up with rage system where cash, coins, and specifically items ment to be valuable not usefull can be kept (gold bullion, bag o’ gems, not c4).
Having a storage space that is literally impervious to other players isn’t exactly reflective of a survival game, where vulnerability is one of the core aspects.
I kinda like the idea. It would stop people from building any form of bases tho, that should be one of the main features of this game.
Idk, it’s controversial
You cant stop anyone from using alt accounts, you can stop people from cheesing safe houses by not adding them. Also people have to make a new steam account to make an alt, and thats slightly time consuming, more than having a built in cheesable system like a safe house/vault
If you added safe houses, why would that stop people from making alts and using the safehouses on the alts to store even more gear?
Many games have a vault feature, those games dont have a building feature, and also arent survival games.
You should think before you post and make better arguments
I thought that 4.x would be a pve survival game
With a little bit off pvp for DEFENDING YOURSELF ONLY not to hunt for loot like 3.0
But you want everybody to be all about getting a gun and hunting for loot