So, 8 months after the SB Devlog #0 i’ve finally decided to make another one (i actually wanted to make it earlier but, you know, CIRCUMSTANCES)
I’m not sure that this part will be as big as the previous one, but still… without further interruptions, let’s start.
The first thing i made for the map this year was this panel apartment:
I had started working on it last year and i also mentioned it in the first devlog (you might remember it)
A feature of this model is its modularity, which, however, i will remove, leaving it only in map files
^ i call this a “gameplay feature”
Some interiors
Also you can see i had done some mapping
Later i updated their look a little bit tho
Some development story and screenshots
The building is based on the soviet 1-335AS panel apartment series
Later i found out that this particular apartment (the main thing is balconies, like, they are half inside the building) series located only in Sochi (my home city) and probably some other cities of Krasnodar region… Oops.
Some of the reference images tho:

(i hadn’t used the last 2 images as the reference tho, i included them here because they just look cool imo)
(apartment with the similar to 1-335AS balconies from Timashevsk i guess…)
So… screenshots of the development process… (until this post turned into an article about the panel apartment):
The window.
Many windows. (the frames, glass, windscreen and bars are separate objects so i can use them everywhere)
Tested some colors
Making mid floor
Making a roof (also modular)
Proper 5 floors
Uhh… finally.
After i finished this apartment, i started making another one.
I understand, quite “original”, but unlike the first one, it will be architecturally closer to Arkhangelsk - one of the main references of Snowburgh, will not have such great modularity and will also have a destructible version.
This one is based on the 1-335A, and it IS actually located in Arkhangelsk (and also most of the post-soviet cities)
(just testing them here, almost no mapping at all)
(it also has basement tho)
Destruction (only for one and a half block, so no need to worry about burning pc because of that… probably…)
(i changed the tile later tho)
Since the apartment was planned to be partially destructible, it was required to have something that could destroy
AGS-17 became such a thing
Model by Flip
I don’t remember exactly how it all happened: either i asked him to model it, or he made it fully on his own initiative
Since he just learns, the model is most likely temporary
(can’t add a mp4 video here, also this video was posted in UO showcase before, music is Geneburn - Follow the Leader tho)
the ags sounds from tarkov are also temp
Also i tried to make some system that automatically destroys the panels above the destroyed panel, and it kinda works… 50/50
It basically creates explosion above the destroyed panel, but since the explosion only works once, it stops working after the first panel is destroyed
(actual VOG-25 AGS-17 grenade most likely could not destroy the panel building in any way tho)
After we made all that stuff above i started making ANOTHER SERIAL SOVIET APARTMENT, but this time i wanted to do something unusual.
I started recording all the process of making it: from 1x1x1 cube to the entire house (with LODs and collision)
I probably recorded 50-100 gigabytes of modeling, and when i have free time, i will edit it and upload it on youtube (in form of guide or speed modeling)
So, the building itself:
And some references (these particular series is also located only in Krasnodar region tho (or at least i hadn’t found any of them in other regions)):
In future i gonna make more variants of it for the map: 4 and 5 storey and painted.
I think you noticed my obsession with Soviet standard architecture, but from now on there will be no apartments dev in this post at all.
I took a little “break” from the map (i hadn’t done anything for the map from first half of april to early may due to some CIRCUMSTANCES)
Although i started planning the main city
(the industrial zone, nickel factory is in the right bottom corner tho ))0)
Also i took some inspiration from the Nickel city in Murmansk region, Russia
So, after the “break” i’m back to the dev again.
The first thing i started from was military objects: tents, nettings, military furniture, military crates, sandbags etc.
Netting variants (i used all of them tho)
Crates with their LODs
At the same time i had been mapping and experimenting with the map lighting (you might notice that the lighting changes from screenshot to screenshot)
(some drawing of “military-scientific city” i did during the school lesson, designed as a “military plan”; it IS related to the screenshots below)
(temp objects from other mod)
(those pipes on the background are definitely wip (they’re from the older iterations of the map)
and also…
In the previous devlog i said that one and a half people are working on the map (me and studying the modeling flip). So, things change…
Now we have a new modeller in our team - kaktus. He’s working on the military vehicles, and he makes them very well!
also he made this cool tank but i still haven’t uploaded it to the map

Some mapping again…
Currently i’m working on the SGENPP (Severogradsk Experimental Nuclear Power Plant (wip name)), i haven’t done it yet. It is inspired by Chernobyl NPP structure (how fnking original) and it will be very detailed and “realistic” (i mean the structure of reactor, there will only be one power unit with RBMK based reactor), both outside and inside
As you probably understood, it will be a deadzone. (I try to describe the appearance of radiation by the accident so that it covers only nearby territories and not the entire map and half of europe in addition tho)
Some screenshots i have for now:

playing with lighting
The last thing i made for the map (before the summer’s over) was KShV-127 based on the ASh-12 (another name - ShAK-12) - high caliber special russian bullpup assault rifle

yeah it definitely has some technical issues some of which i can easily fix but i’m too tired to deal with them for now
also the sounds, maybe i’ll change them sometime but i’m not sure
You’ve probably already seen this if you are on the Unturned Official Discord, but anyway
Future of the map
I don’t have a specific idea/roadmap of further development of the map.
Main goal for the map now is still the same - to make it any playable.
It may sound so ridiculous, considering this post’s content, but i need to make more and more buildings because it’s the base thing of the map (and also i like them), so most likely next thing i’ll be making will be city infrastructure buildings and another panel apartments (including 9 storey, i have already chosen one of the variants tho, it will be 1-335AK, and it IS located in Arkhangelsk)
The other thing is items. I want to make many of the basic supply and household items. It’s less important since i have no place to put them in.
Also i started feeling lack of medium objects like fences, pipes etc. I haven’t made any new objects like this since october of last year. It’s a higher priority thing than items, but still less than buildings. I’ll probably do them in parallel.
I wanted to add more trees and bushes to the map and maybe remake the old ones a little bit, but all the “rework” (except for critical) for now is a least priority task in my opinion.
I can’t make any promises for the near future, because the time goes by way too fast to promise something which seems very soon…
This devlog turned out to be waay longer than i expected it to be. If you have read EVERYTHING i wrote above up to here - my respect for your patience.
My contact info:
Our dev discord server - DelTauDev (please do NOT join it if you want to play here and now, only join if you are willing to wait and really want to follow the development)
My discord (DM) - owaz
My steam - Steam Community :: OwaZ'
It’s 2:41 AM GMT+3 when i finally finished writing this, my summer is over now. If you are in the GMT time zone or less, I hope you have a great… rest of your summer…