First of all, I’d like to say that this post inspired me to make my own: Suggestion For Clothing
So Unturned 4.0 (from what I understood and read from that post) will have seasons. With this, cold, harsh, winters especially in a map like Russia, and hot, melting summers.
Temperature :
I think the 3.0 system is kinda bad. When you feel cold, you don’t instantly start to die like you do in 3.0. I know the game isn’t supposed to be realistic, but this system makes the game less fun too. Instead, we should have a temperature bar (nothing too complicated, just a bar). This would be split up into 3 parts, light blue - green - orange.
When in the light blue zone, your character is cold. How cold? Depends on how far from the green bar. When you’re too cold you will get the snowflake icon like you get in 3.0, and start losing health.
At all times when you’re in the light blue area, your character trembles, things like scope sway are more intense and melee does less damage (optionally, but it makes sense because honestly it’s hard to do literally anything with cold hands). Swimming would always make the temperature bar go down gradually.
When in the green zone, your character is just fine. No debuffs, no buffs.
When in the orange zone, your character is hot. Again, the further away the marker is from the green area, the hotter your character is. This creates blur in the distance, reduces movement speed and stamina, and when too hot, you get a fire icon which starts reducing your health.
Swimming always makes your character colder, but less so in Summer and spring, instantly gives the snowflake icon in winter and reduces the temperature considerably in Autumn.
Clothing :
Naturally, clothing will make you warmer. This matters more and more depending on the difficulty you play on.
Right so to get this out of the way first, clothing stacking WILL exist in Unturned 4. What I hope is that you can only stack 3 layers of clothing on the shirt, so you can only get a thin shirt, hoodie or military top (or things similar to that) and a jacket. Pants would have 2 layers, the first being those thin pants things that your mom gave you at school in winter (but for adults) and normal pants.
1st Shirt layer: T-Shirts, Longsleeve Shirts and Tank tops. These wouldn’t give much cold protection but Longsleeves would be the best out of all of them. Followed by T-shirts.
2nd Shirt layer: Hoodies, Job Tops (Farmer Top, Police Top, Fireman Top). These would give good warmth protection but still wouldn’t be enough to survive a winter by themselves or even them with a T-shirt.
Military Tops should give pretty bad cold protection compared to hoodies and parkas.
3rd Shirt layer: Jackets. Just Jackets, but with different cold protections. Thin and thick Jackets, with fur or without.
Now you’ll always be changing outfits in-game because of the seasons and temperature change. For example, in Summer you’d wear just a T-Shirt, tank top or longsleeve shirt with trunks and sandals because it’s way too warm. (Of course, there should be a bit of randomness, maybe one winter will be harsher than the other, or one Summer can be hotter than the other. So in some Summers you could wear military outfits and stuff but in another it’s so hot outside you actually have to take your shirt off)
In Autumn you’d wear a thin jacket, a hoodie, a T-shirt, jeans and boots.
Spring would be the best time to wear military outfits, because it’s nice outside and you can go around naked and you’d still be in the green bar, but the second you put on even a thin jacket you’d go up to the orange bar zone.
In Winter you’d wear a thick jacket, parka/hoodie, Longsleeve shirt, thin pants on 1st layer and cargo pants on the second, boots and a toque or any thick hat.
As I said earlier, wearing Military outfits will make you cold in Autumn and Winter, this is so that you see people actually wearing civilian clothing because currently everyone wears the same outfit which is Military vest, Military Helmet, Military Top and Military Bottom with a Military weapon of choice and a Honeybadger. Only newspawns wear civilian clothing but once they take a trip to the Military base they come out as the generic PvP pro.
Miscellaneous :
I hope I spelled that right.
Basically some things that I’d like to see.
Something so we can choose what temperatures and weather conditions there are in custom maps. After all, if someone made an Africa map and it would snow and rain as much as it does in Russia for example, it wouldn’t make sense.
Also it would be weird to have a Winter just as cold as in Germany on Russia. Instead, in Russia winters should be so harsh it would kill off anyone who’s not prepared. You’d need to gather food and drinks, clothing, ammunition, have a house with warmth, and basically be prepared for everything that a harsh Russian winter can throw at you because you are not visiting that campground for a potato. It would kill off half of the server population, but makes the game a lot more interesting.
In Germany for example, winter wouldn’t be as much of a challenge. The hardest part of it would be gathering clothing.
Hostile animals should spawn more often during winter and friendly animals should spawn less. This is what happens in real life, deer and stuff hibernate while the predators search for them, and if the predators can’t find them, they get more and more desperate. This is also what happened this Autumn here in Romania, bears and boar would roam highways because they can’t find food in the mountains anymore.
I think this would make the game harder and also bring variety. I said earlier that everyone looks like your average PvP pro, and that’s because they do. Military outfits get very boring after a while and it’s very nice to have opponents with different clothing and thus different armor values.
Big groups would also be hard to maintain, because everyone needs to have the fitting clothing and everyone needs to have enough food and water for the winter. Raiding would also be harder during winter because of the cold.
Please post your criticisms in the comments!