I have a question, why can’t the harmless cosmetics you have in mind just simply work the same way regular clothing does? As in it spawns on the map.
As long as these simple cosmetics don’t hid gear, I’m fine with it. Stuff like an eyepatch or whatever, I’m cool with that. Maybe some badges or symbols you can put on your gear.
I hate seeing people wearing a full set of cosmetics and I go “oh that’s just a naked” and it turns out they’re wearing a full set of military armor and they pull a gun out of their ass
Yeah, that’s why reskinning clothes you’re already is pretty harmless, no mesh changes, just texture changes that don’t affect much.
You said spawning into a world with clothes is unrealistic…
A naked man with no BENIS appearring at a location
Near water (pei and Washington spawns) is totally realistic
I think it’s just me but I like more of a grind. I don’t want to play singleplayer just to be equipped completely in an hour. If you spawn naked it’s more of a grind.
Spawning with clothes would not make me quit the game I would still play. It’s just a small thing I would like to see not a do or die thing.
Also remember this topic is talking about cosmetics which are different then clothes. Clothes provide storage going back to the whole grind thing. Cosmetics are just looks.
(Emphasis added)
He was responding to when you said spawning with clothing ruins immersion. Until cosmetics were added, gold players spawned with actual clothing. Since 4.X will have so many more clothing slots and stats, I don’t think progression would be ruined by having some low tier clothing for gold players, dev testers, premium pass holders, or built into the skill set system. Cosmetic items, on the other hand, have nothing to do with a survival game.
Idk about you guys, but I kinda liked the economy
Not the crazy Bubbly Pirate Hat and the Raining Cash Jacket or these weird outfits that you’d get.
Most of what I want is just simple shirts and pants to change so that I’d look a bit different when i spawn in rather than everyone having a white shirt and cowboy pants
My problem is that it wouldn’t let you see what the person is wearing, as it will be covered by the hat (in this case). If this isn’t the case, then I’d be fine with it.
Perhaps you could have it so the cosmetics are automatically overpowered by actual items, so if you’re naked it shows your cosmetics instead, but when you find a baseball cap, it replaces your dank hat.
ew no plz
Just go back to Rust’s system. That idea for cosmetics is still always the best one.
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it here yet before, but cosmetics using the textile variation system would be nice too.
Honestly I’ve been pretty surprised at the amount of requests for an economy redesign. Will have to carefully consider it!
Customization aside an economy is still one of the best ways imo to generate revenue that can sustain things like all the sites (wiki/blog/forum), servers, repositories, and future projects. Even if you aren’t worried financially it’s useful to still be bringing in a substantial amount more than you’re putting out each month.
Then there’s stuff like how it helps the community feel closer together or whatever… that thing. The people thing! (Curated economy items is what I’m talking about.)
Considering that Unturned II might be on both Steam and the Epic launcher, I think this system with a few tweaks could work out since I’m not aware of the Epic launcher having a community market based off of money like Steam.
Either way I’m curious to see what happens with this system!
I’d rather the economy be used to reskin or spawn with actual clothing items than to hide what a player is or isn’t wearing. If players could spawn with clothing it would have to be a limited amount, or only certain slots, and better clothing would have to be available through actual gameplay.
YES! Rust’s system for cosmetics is the best
I mean, that’d be fine for players who are already experienced, but for new players they’d think that they are actually wearing clothing.
I’ve had a little time to rethink about this topic because it’s kinda a debate and I am starting to agree with a little bit of cosmetics. I know I did disagree like yesterday but people can change.
If cosmetics were to be added I would only like to see a little bit and not over the top. Only simple shirts, pants, maybe shoes, hats, backpacks.
Unturned did have over the top cosmetics in 3.x such as all the bubbly, fire, electric, money cosmetics which were not fun to see in servers.
How does the Rust cosmetics system work? Is it similar to Unturned?
Rust has an economy like Unturned, pretty much the whole thing is the same actually, but there are a few main distinctions:
A) most of the guns and clothing in Rust are craftable, so skins are crafting based. When you craft a revolver for example, you can select a revolver skin, and once you craft it, the skin stays on the gun even if it is dropped. This means you can kit out your buddies with the same cap that has a skull marking on it and have a squad uniform of sorts.
B) you can break down items as well. Breaking down weapons gives you metal, breaking down clothes gives you cloth, breaking down buildable skins gives you wood. Each can be used to then craft various containers of sorts to open.
C) Some of Rust’s skins are just as immersion breaking as Unturned.
With the Rust system where you have to craft for skins, does it carry over to other servers because I have played Rust before and played on many different servers. For example if I played Canada 1 and made a skin for a revolver would it carry over to US 1??
It sounds like a cool system for Unturned because I can see weapon skins being craftable and equipped to for example a maplestrike.